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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Edward Elric,
Since the beginning of the game, Researcher has
been one of the most powerful allies. Splashed
in multiple decks, and played in virtually every
Elric deck that can play him, Researcher has
always been viewed as one of the better cards.
However, Researcher has recently suffered a
minor blow to his power level in the recent
errata, and with the new powerful Ed allies,
Researcher may not be splashed anymore.
With Edward Elric, Defiant in most Military
decks, and Edward Elric, Supporting Presence
playing a strong role in Zealot decks,
Researcher doesn't need to be splashed any
longer. However, there still isn't an Elric
Edward that can defeat him in power level.
Although the errata did make Researcher less
powerful, it is still fully playable, and I
expect to see it in upper-level tournament play
for a long time to come.
Limited: 5/5 (Unless you are using Ed as your
leader, there is no reason not to play reusable
card advantage with decent stats.)
Constructed: 4/5 (Although he isn't splashed any
more, his power level should still be unmatched
in Elric faction.)
Darktaro |
Good Monday to
everyone! Hope you all had a hectic free and
food filled Thanksgiving and got some good deals
on Black Friday. This week we're looking at some
cards that have recently gotten some errata in
the world of Full Metal Alchemist. The first
card in this series is Edward Elric, Researcher.
Up until the errata, most competitive players
would have said if you are running any hero
leader, Edward Elric was the perfect splash and
for good cause. With his ability to naturally
cancel any event of 4 cost or less it stops all
the good 0 cost events such as Challenge the Sun
and A Clue for the Search. It also stops all the
cancel cards Pressure, Cage, Daring Gambit and
Deeds not Words. Slap a Lyra's Pendant on anyone
and he can now cancel events of 6 cost or less
and of course you could always Equivalent
Exchange to cancel higher cost events. In any
case, it was a powerful ally and very annoying
to deal with if you were on the other end of it.
However with the errata he has lost some of his
universal cancel ability. Now instead of
canceling any event he only cancels ones that
target himself or other alchemists. This makes
his ability more suited towards the card Wild
Card, so does this as the kids are saying
nowadays "nerf" this card? Well it definitely
does lose some of it's splashability. You won't
necessarily go throwing it into say a Hughes
deck as the number of alchemists you need to
protect may be a bit small. It still has a place
in Elric decks of course and still sports a 5
alchemy which isn't bad at all for his cost and
it still defintely helps protects against a lot
of crazy Homonculus control.
I think the biggest change of this errata
however is it opens up more people to the notion
of using the other Edward Elric allies. Now
Strategist is great in a Hughes deck making your
events unable to be cancelled. Enraged now fits
well in an Elric deck for it's beefy stats. If
you have some way to manipulate command,
Imitating Scar is a great card for a game where
you can't get enough attachment hate. In the
end, is the card less powerful? Of course that
is the purpose of an errata, but is it still
worth playing? Yes of course, just depending on
which direction you want to go, but don't forget
there are other versions of Edward Elric worth
playing now.
Sealed:4/5-Still good in a format where
anti-pumps rule.
Constructed:3/5-Great against Homonculus board
control, but it loses some of it's splashability
since the errata.