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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
Finishing off
Sloth week is one of her two level 3’s, Sloth
Military Insider. The good news is she has an
awesome ability that can get you crazy ally
advantage. The downside is being a chase XE, it
can be extremely hard to get. Let’s take a look
at what makes this card so great.
First off for a 10 command level 3, it has great
stats, usually enough to take on most allies in
strength or wits. Obviously where this card
shines is in its ability. Since the ally goes
directly into play it can be of any cost and any
faction, as long as it is not a hero. This can
lead to some very nasty combos. By stacking your
deck with a card such as Pinako Rockbell, Wise
Old Lady, you can stack an Envy Homonculus on
top. After the Envy comes into play it can copy
Sloth’s ability and you can drop another high
cost ally. You can even Iron Maiden yourself to
put two allies in your hand on top of your deck.
Honestly, the only real downside to this card is
it is very rare to pull it out of a pack and
many people will not be willing to trade it
-Has the potential for dropping many high cost
allies in a short amount of time.
-Great stats for a 10 command
-Extremely hard to get
-Dropping many out of faction allies leaves you
open to By the Order of the Fuhrer
Sealed:5/5-Consider yourself very lucky if you
pull one here.
Constructed:5/5-Once again, hard to get but
definitely worth playing |

Sloth is a
homunculus who has ties to the military, her
ties are fairly close too, as she is the
secretary to the fuhrer, who is also a
homunculus. That being said, the name "Military
Insider" derives from her involvement with the
military and their innerworkings.
This is the only Chase Xe for Sloth at the
current time. While at first it seems to be
great, it is pretty much a mediocre leader
compared to her level 2. They have completely
different uses, this is for board control where
her level 2 is for hand control and disruption.
Until Sloth gets a new level 2, preferably an 8
command, this Sloth should not be used in
competitive play, well at least you shouldn't
leave level 2.
In sealed, she is straight up terrible, you
won't get to level 3, don't try. In constructed,
she is a little more useful but in the current
environment there is no reason to play a Sloth
deck for this leader alone, until she has an 8
command that is.
Normally, here I would put my sealed and
constructed rating, but I want to explain what
I'm about to put, there will be 2 constructed
ratings. One is the current rating and the other
is the rating after Sloth gets an 8 command
leader, or even another 7 command with a more
synergistic ability.
Sealed 1/5: Don't use her, but if its draft, you
should get her as she's very hard to come by.
Current Constructed 2/5: Good Sloth decks won't
leave level 2. For now.
Future Constructed 5/5: She will be tremendously
good when Sloth gets a more compatible level 2.