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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Haven |
Father Cornello,
Power Monger
9 Command
Level 3
8 / 5 / 6
Main Strength 8: Put a Rebel ally into play from
your hand..
It's too bad that FC doesn't have a good level
2. His level 2 8 Command can trade allies from
hand to field, good for combing with Trend
Follower, and maybe to mess with your opponent.
He deserved something more solid though =(.
Power Monger's stats are average for a level 3.
His effect lets you recruit more allies a turn,
and it lets you play high cost rebel allies.
Lion Chimera, Scar's Brother, etc. This card
gives you the potential to recruit 2 high cost
allies a turn.
I like this card, but the FC build isn't as good
as the other rebel leaders (Scar, Psiren).
Rating: 4/5
Darktaro |
Today we’re
looking at a card which I think is very
underrated, Father Cornello, Power Monger. When
most people ask why should I play Father
Cornello over Scar or Greed this leader is one
of the main reasons why.
First off his stats are very good going into
level 3. 8 str is among one of the highest for a
printed stat and he even has a decent alchemy to
back him up as well. Being in the rebel faction
you are most likely going to put the rebel brand
on him to boost up his stats even more. Second
his effect is among one of the most powerful
effects in the game because it gives you instant
ally advantage. With his text you can play a 9
cost rebel ally and any other cost ally in the
same turn, which gives you access to all the
high cost rebel allies such as Lion Chimera,
Greed Reckless Sin, Scar’s Brother, Driven to
Insanity, Zolf J. Kimbly, Pyrotechnician, and
Scar, In Hiding. Even if you aren’t dropping a
high cost ally dropping two allies a turn is
still pretty good.
The downside to this card is that one Cage can
stop you in your tracks and Father Cornello can
be targeted by Challenge the Sun before he can
use his text. However most of the times you will
be able to get the effect off as long as you
have allies in your hand.
In sealed he is awesome if you have Father
Cornello as your leader, being able to actually
get to level 3 in sealed is brutal. In
constructed, unless you have Father Cornello,
Power Monger and are making a mob deck, I’d
recommend this leader over Envy, Father Cornello.
-Gives you great ally advantage that can get
around the ally limit of 9
-Effect is free to use with his printed stats
-Not much, can be cancelled, but so can every
other effect as well.
Sealed:5/5-If you have Cornello as a leader,
otherwise 1/5
Constructed:4/5-This is what makes Cornello

Father Cornello
is the "righteous" zealot of Liore, he imposed
his will upon the people there, by threatening
them with a religion, the religion of following
Leto. All of his actions, according to him, were
reinforced by that religion.
Power Monger is the only widely available Father
Cornello leader that is actually Father Cornello
and not Envy. Using Father Cornello you can
bring into play allies long after you have gone
to your ally limit of the 9 that Cornello has.
This can allow you to bring out allies that have
any cost, currently the highest costing rebel
ally is 11, I assume that will only grow with
future sets.
In sealed, I just don't see you getting to level
3, but if you do, use this guy. In constructed,
he is the general choice for Cornello, I believe
Bombast is the best level 3, but I'm usually in
the minority.
Sealed 5/5: Optimal level 3 for this format.
Constructed 4.5/5: Not better than Bombast to
me, but still great.