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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Haven |
Note: This is
a copy of my previous review. My opinion hasn't
The Elric
Brothers, Edward and Alphonse
8 Command
Level 2
4 / 4 / 5
The Elric
Brothers counts as both Edward and Alphonse
Elric. Your leader stack can contain Edward
Elric and Alphonse Elric.
Alchemy 7: Target an attachment in your discard
pile. Attach it to The Elric Brothers.
I like the
concept of the card, but it still doesn't make
it good. I'm assuming that you have to discard
any Al or Ed allies that already hit the field
before you leveled up. Not only that, but you
can't play any Ed or Al allies until level 3.
The effect is ok, nothing to write home about. I
like the idea of changing leaders, but not being
able to play Ed or Al allies for most of the
game stinks.
Rating: 1/5
(Play Ed or Al, not this!!!)
Darktaro |
Today’s card is
The Elric Brothers, Alphonse and Elric. This
card is currently one of two that allows you to
have different leaders in your leaderstack. This
among itself is one of the first great things
about this card. You can start off the game with
Alphonse Elric, Skilled Alchemist to help you
get those attachments into your hand, play them
at level 2, and at level 3, switch to Edward
Elric, In Patient to give all your hero allies
an alchemy boost.
One of the best things going for this card is,
its effect lets you play the attachments onto
The Elric Brothers for free. So that means free
Noble Cause, Armstrong Gloves, and even
Privileged Position. Granted you’ll need 2 extra
alchemy to use the effect, but Elrics have
enough passive alchemy boosts with their
standard attachments it shouldn’t be too much a
Biggest downside to this card is at level 2 it
stops you from playing both Ed and Al allies.
Which of course for Elrics are some of its
strongest allies. The upside is once you level
up you can once again have access to those
-Leaderstack can contain any combo of Ed and Al
-Play high cost attachments for virtually no
-No Ed and Al allies at level 2
-Requires a search action to use
- The Elric Brothers really hate Aflame, Oops
and Prison Guards
Constructed:3/5-A good 8 command leader that
will probably do better in casual play.
Imperial |
The Elric
Brothers, Edward and Alphonse
Its a fun card. Although you lose Ed and Al
allies at this level, you can still use powerful
8 cost allies like Izumi. Its effect can be very
fun also. Getting Chain Gun, Noble Cause, or
even three Fanaticism with the introduction of
Seven Deadly Sins, the Brothers can be a huge
beatstick in an stat. You can get the cards in
your discard by Equivelent Exchange, then bring
them right onto them at no cost to you. An all
around playable card, though not as amazing as
Izumi or Tim when it comes to location control.
Limited: 0/5
Um... Good luck getting it mispacked! :p However
if you can use it, you still need Al or Ed Level
Constructed: 4/5
One of the better Elric builds for pure beatdown.
Losing an Ed or Al ally at level 2 is kind of
annoying however.
Picture: 5/5
Besides for the green hair, its one of the
coolest pictures in the ending songs.