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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Gluttony is the
loyal sidekick of Lust. He has an insatiable
appetite, and he will attempt to destroy any one
who harms Lust. Of the seven sin characters in
the anime, he is one of only 2 to make their way
to the movie, and he is the only one who is
still a villain.
Gluttony contrasts the homunculus wits deck
type, but in some shape or form, he usually
finds his way into a homunculus deck. Nine times
out of ten, however, its not this Gluttony, as
Big Fists is the best version of Gluttony in the
game. It will take a lot for a card to overtake
Big Fists, at 7 cost his effect is next to none,
as no other characters can reuse strength
In sealed, this Gluttony is worth a look. Mainly
because he is a 6 cost ally with 7 strength. His
augment effect is irrelevant in that format
generally. In constructed, I just can't see his
uses, he is pretty terrible here.
Sealed 5/5: Great turn one drop for a homunculus
Constructed 1/5: Just sub-par compared to Big
Darktaro |
It is sin week
this week and we’ll start off with a look at one
of the newer versions of Gluttony, Ravenous. The
bottom line is stick with Gluttony, Big Fists if
you are going to run him. For one more cost he
can ensure that every strength event in your
deck can see play twice. Ravenous’ ability is
not bad by any means, but since removing discard
piles really seems to hurt Homonculus factions
the most, it would have been way better if it
were on an ally from another faction.
-Remove discard stops pulling from discard pile,
Burning the Past, Lust, Woman with a Dream, etc.
-Good strength for a 6 cost ally
-Big Fists is just so much better
Sealed:4/5-It actually is pretty good in this
format, giving you a cheaper ally with good
Constructed:2/5-Can you say two Challenge the
Sun’s in one turn with Big Fist instead?