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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Welcome to what
is, as best as I can make out "totally random
Seven Deadly Sins chases" week here at Pojo.
Today we have the only Elric villain card: Lyra,
As unfortunate as it is, Zealots have become
drastically weaker than Shadows (well, more like
"are" than "become" really.) Shadows are
composed of (in my opinion) the two strongest
control factions, and armed with Spooky Shadows,
it's nothing to sneeze at. While in comparison,
Zealots are gifted with a few pumps and random
characters like Lyra here, who are pretty
overcosted for what they do. Lyra is neat
flavor-wise, but that's about all she has. Low
stats, and an ability that's virtually useless
in the archetype she belongs to pretty much toss
her in the "unplayable" department for
In limited, she's moderately better. Really,
only very, very, very slightly improved. Nine
costs are virtually unplayable in constructed,
much less limited where you're lucky to even
have a level 3, much less a level 3 with the
correct faction or command. And on top of that,
she's not really worth it. I played her at the
SDS prerelease because I pulled a chase one, but
there was really no logic to it other than fun
(which is what prereleases are about, right?)
sufficed to say, I don't recommend playing her.
Constructed: 1.5/5
Limited: 1.75/5 |
Darktaro |
Hope everyone
had a relaxing Easter Weekend! Now back onto
business with today's card Lyra, Zealot. Lyra is
all about her attributes as she really has no
other ability. She is a 5/6/8 having some of the
best stats for a 9 cost Elric ally really only
matched by Tireless Fighter. Lyra can even pump
herself further with the addition of her Quick
Alchemy which is a natural 1 and with the
potential to reach 3 when another Zealot ally is
in play. Slap an At the Gate onto her and she
can be a Quick Alchemy: 5.
Unfortunately she suffers from being in the 9
cost range meaning there may be games where
you'll never be able to recruit her. Also being
a villain means she is pretty much strictly
limited to Rose decks. In sealed play she has
even less use as she requires a level 3 leader
which can be hard to come by and requires you to
last that long to level up into. However overall
I think if you're looking for some Elric
beatsticks, Dante Aged Teacher fits the gap
quite well.
Constructed: 2/5-If you can find a way to tutor
for her before you level up to 3 she can be
devastating, otherwise 9 costs are generally
Sealed: 1/5-Much less use in a format where your
command is very limited. |
lonedothacker |
Not really
sure what to call this week, but lets just roll
with it!
To start off
our week we look at a very strange card
Lyra Zealot
Elric Faction 9 Cost
Alchemy: 1
While you
have another zealot ally in play, Lyra gets
"Quick Alchemy: 2" (total of "Quick Alchemy: 3"
faction aside its an Elric Villian for crying
out loud! Currently our only Elric leader who
has access to her is Rose, and she qualifies
more as a Zealot then Elric leader. So to be
fair I'll look at her as a zealot, sadly that
Villian keyword made me cry making my Hohenheim
deck. She is a level 3 drop which can be a bit
of a turn off, I would offer cards such as
Calling in Favors, but the Rose of choice only
has 7 command so it takes more effort to pull
off. So we really have to say Lyra is a level 3
ally. So I'm a bit reluctant since Rose doesn't
have access to a lot of speed leveling beyond
Calculated Risk. If you have some of the
Alchemist zealots you may be able to Calling up
the Reserves, but Holy Mother's ability isn't
something I'd dread using for the 4 turns she's
on level 2.
So already
you can tell I'm not a big fan of hers. However
I feel obligated to look at her pluses. For a
Zealot she has a nice set of 2nd
stats, however I feel Strength is the Zealot's
selling point (beyond the Zealot team pumpers)
However being able to contend at an opponent's
location is a great asset. Like most Zealots she
gains a bonus for being around Zealots, in the
term of +2 QA, one of my favorite things. QA: 3
is simply huge. A free +3 to any stat won't
hurt, however as I said the Zealot selling point
to me would be their strength you won't have to
many Alchemy events in your deck.
Overall she's
just very out of her element no matter how you
slice her. Had she had the text "Lyra may join a
hero leader," she'd be a lot more viable,
however that may have been foresight at its
finest. It wouldn't be terribly out of taste as
she does work with Edward in a way, if only to
help Rose and the Baby.
2/5 I'm just not sold on her being to special in
a Zealot deck.
Sealed- 2/5
If you get to level 3 and can use her she's a
stat stick, however level 3 can be a rarity in
sealed. |
retched |
Hey everyone.
Welcome to today's card of the day. And not
wasting any time let's get right to it.
9 Cost - Elric
Human, Zealot, Villain
Quick Alchemy 1
While you have another Zealot in play, Lyra gets
"Quick Alchemy 2"
Okay.. This is going to really be kind of hard
to play. There aren't ANY leaders that are
villains AND Elric in the game. So no matter
what, you're paying 10 to recruit this
character. In terms of playing it to a leader...
there are several choices you can play her with
(at least 20 leaders at level 4 can play this
character with 10 command but she'll be the only
character that turn outside MAYBE an advantage)
Her ability to gain Quick Alchemy while you have
other Zealots in play is an alright ability but
considering the fact that you have to wait until
you get a leader with 10 command AND a zealot in
play to get, may not be worth the wait. The
other thing is she only gets the boost once...
not per character! Her alchemy stat may be
worthwhile if you're playing some serious
alchemy events and abilities but other than
that, this card isn't too useful.
In draft... forget about this card. Unless you
really need a card to throw away for equivalent
exchange, don't put this card into your deck.
There's little to no way you can get up to a 10
command character in the span of a limited game.
Final ratings...
Constructed: 3.25/5. This score is extremely
generous. Too expensive, too conditional to
really get it's full effect, should be benched
for a few games before taking her seriously.
Sealed: 1/5. No way are you playing this card
unless you miraculously raft a 1-4 leader stack.
Take care,
Clap some hands and draw some chalk circles...
Paul Williams/retched |
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist
Today is Lyra:
9 cost ally
5 Strength, 6
wits and 8 alchemy
Base Quick
Alchemy of 1, if you have another zealot in play
Lyra gets a total quick alchemy of 3.
Well to say
anything good about this card is kind of hard.
Quick alchemy of 3 is cool and a Zealot deck
will satisfy the requirement for that extra 2.
Besides that there’s really nothing great about
this card. In fact since you can only bring it
out at level 3 and with those poor stats I’d
have to say it’s probably one of the worst rares
in SDS.
Final Score
Limited 1/5
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist |