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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Almost all of
Izumi's allies are playable in one deck or
another. In fact, Edward could really use any of
them equally.
Sacrificial Act is a one of the most potent
pieces of experiance acceleration is in the
game. As such, it works best in a rush deck.
Since it's a hero, it doesn't function well in
Majhal, and it's so costly that it isn't
necessary in a deck that doesn't want to hit
level 4.
This makes me think that the best place for
Izumi is in an Edward Elric, Final Transmutation
deck, or an Elric Brothers deck that wants to
hit one of the amazing level 4s that Ed or Al
has. That said, One With All is amazing in both
those decks as well, so it isn't automatically
the best choice. I think that Sacrificial Act is
really the second weakest of the four Izumi
allies (the weakest being the nine cost from
Alchemist's Gate). However, it is still
playable, especially in limited, where it's an
alchemy drop at level 1, and lets you
potentially hit level 3 if you pull a nice one.
Constructed: 3/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Darktaro |
It's Izumi week
on Pojo and today we're taking a look at Izumi,
Sacrificial Act. This is the new wave of Elric
power leveling. The card itself is not
particularly bad on its own, it's a first turn
drop with 4 alchemy so it can hold it's own in
early and even some mid-game battles. Her
ability is like Policeman on steroids, when you
sacrifice her you gain two experience. The power
leveling comes from using Edward Elric, Novice
as your level one. You start Policeman and
whoever else you want and first turn search for
Izumi with Ed's ability. 2nd turn drop Izumi and
search for another Izumi. 3rd turn level up to
2. In your main phase sacrifice Policeman and
Izumi for 3 experience. 4th turn level to 3 and
drop Izumi again and you're well on your way to
level 4 by turn 7 or so. You don't even really
need to search for the 2nd Izumi, because
getting to level 3 on the 4th turn will help you
make more use out of those 9 and 10 drop allies
that normally would never see play.
Outside of this Novice combo it can be a bit
unreliable as you can't start her due to her
Loyal: 2. Also some leaders such as Alphonse and
Marco like being at level 2 so there is no need
to power level. Mahjal powerlevel may find some
use for her as well, (Start Edward, sacrifice
him to search for Izumi) though once again
Loyal: 2 rears it's ugly head. Outside of
powerlevel decks however, there are much better
Izumi's to use.
Constructed: 2/5-Really only has use in one type
of deck and even then constantly sacrificing
allies may lose you some huge tempo.
Limited: 3/5-A first turn drop with 5 alchemy?
Sign me up please! Loyal 2 means she'll only be
really good to Elric leaders however. |
lonedothacker |
Izumi Curtis,
Sacrificial Act
5 Cost Elric
Loyal: 2
Main Alchemy Sacrafice Izumi Curtis: Your leader
gains 2 experience points.
Welcome to a week designed by me, Izumi the ally
week! Now to avoid the whole apples and oranges
debate, its not deciding whats best its just I
like Mrs. Curtis, and most her leaders are
already done as reviews. So onward with the
A month or so back I made a FInal Transmutation
deck, which is what introduced me to this Izumi
ally. I was looking for something simple that
could add some huzzbah to the speed. I was a fun
of Novice at level one which made her a good
searched option or an easy drop. To me she has
two downfalls, the first comes that she has
Loyal: 2 which keeps her from being a decent
starter, while its understandable that with the
ability to splash Elrics in some places would
allow her to join others with being Loyal 1.
This isn't that terrible, but it also limits her
options to Elric only. The second downfall is
the placement of the ":" in her ability. With
cards like Yanked, Miss Director and Daring
Gambit, the colon becomes important. If the
effect was Main Alchemy: Sacrafice... it'd make
it so even if the effect was cancelled she'd
still be there. Shes best around level 2 where
you could drop her and A Hero's Passing or Fight
on My Terms. The nice thing is shes a double
cop, for two experience, so you make a nice gain
using her effect.
Overall, her ability is not for every deck,
however making a deck focused on level shes
great. Be careful of your meta, if
Yanked/Cage/Miss Director are running about.
Constructed- 3.5/5 Very solid effect, however
your meta game may play a role in if you can
afford to use her.
Sealed- 1/5 You're relying on playing alot of
elric to make her work, or have 2 easy to splash
Elric allies. |
retched |
Monday 16 -
Izumi Curtis, Sacrificial Act
Hey we all can't get enough of Izumi Curtis, so
here's a look at Izumi Curtis, Sacrificial Act
from Sacrifice.
5 Cost - Elric Ally
Human * Hero
Loyal 2
Main Alchemy Sacrifice Izumi Curtis: Your leader
gets 2 experience.
The name of the card fits it's effect
appropriately. Out of all the Izumi's out there,
this one has pretty moderate stats in comparison
to others. Only downfall to the cheap experience
gaining ability is the fact that you need have
already two Elric allies on the field
beforehand. But if you can keep her on the field
for the turn that actually level, the
sacrificing ability of hers will come in great
use. Now since her stats are basically on par
with other copies so if you're thinking about
running four copies of Izumi, let one go and run
this one. The only problem here is her Alchemy
stat which below that of the average Izumi.
To the scorecards...
Constructed: 4/5. Light cost should make her
playable and any turn one. You can out level
your opponent quickly if you wish to with this
Limited: 4/5. If you manage to get this card...
PLAY IT. Hope for other Izumi's along with it.
(Or other copies would work too.)
Grab some chalk and chap them hands...
Paul / retched |
Evan |
Well it's Izumi
ally week here at Pojo, and today we've got the
brand new one from Sacrifice. As per expected
from the title of the expansion, this ally can
(wait for it) sacrifice herself in order to give
your leader a healthy dose of two experience.
Her stats are good for a 5 cost, meaning that if
you wanted to fight with her on an alchemy
location perhaps then you'd be in good shape to
do so. The main purpose of this card, however,
is its ability. Izumi is all about the speed
leveling, and her loyalty means that Elrics will
essentially be the only ones to take advantage
of this cool new card. I would advise against
having more than one in the deck, while her
ability is cool she does still cost 5 points,
meaning that the more time you spend recruiting
copies of her to sacrifice, the more time an
opponent has to gather a force that outnumbers
your own. Basically, I'd put one in there and
sacrifice "Edward" first turn to find her, then
lay her on turn 2.
That, in combination with a "Shared Experience"
or even just waiting a turn, can have you at
level 3 pretty quickly. There are some very nice
level 3 Elrics out there, and getting there fast
gives you an excuse to run the (sometimes) more
powerful 7 command leaders since you won't be
spending much time there. In any case, she is a
fine utility for Elric decks who like to speed
level, giving the hero's at least somewhat of an
answer to My Turn for Fame. It's far from equal
if you ask me, but it beats calculated risk any
Constructed 4/5: Stats are fine, ability can be
great for Elric decks that want to level fast
Sealed 4.5/5 in Elric, 1.5/5 in non-Elric: If
you can't even float the loyalty then this card
is going to be worthless to you. If you can,
however, it may give you a needed boost, being
at level 3 two turns ahead of time can break a
-SA Evan75 |
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist
Izumi Curtis:
Sacrificial Act
5 Cost Ally
Strength 3
Wits 3 Alchemy 4
Loyal 2
Main Alchemy:
Sacrifice Izumi, Your Leader gains 2 experience
If you play
Elric then you had best play this card. It’s
great; it’s wonderful, its level speed. You
simply can’t argue the use this card has… unless
of course you use Izumi as a leader or any other
faction. For the loss of a drop you can get
ahead of your opponent and that usually is the
difference between early wins and late wins or
In limited
this card can definitely push you over your
opponent. It’s an uncommon and relatively easy
to pull. Every level one Elric leader can use it
and should.
Final score
4.5/5 if you use Elric
Limited: 5/5
In either draft or sealed if you can pull
together a good Elric build you can easily gain
huge momentum.
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist