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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Izumi Curtis,
One With All:
And to round off the week, we bring you the most
powerful Izumi ally- One With All, which
literally allows you to stack your deck. This
obviously eliminates a huge portion of the luck
factor in the game, letting you get more
favorable jobs and win the game easier. One With
All is doubtlessly the single best Elric 8-cost
in the game, and is capable of pulling you out
of situations that you never should be able to.
In short, if you can play One With All at level
2, do so. Its only struggle in playability comes
in the problem that the best Elric decks are
really Izumi and Marcoh, who either don't have
enough command or can't play One With All.
Still, Ed, Alphonse, and occasionally Hohenheim
should play it.
In limited, on the off chance that you pull a
sig or a misprint, and can play Izumi, do so. It
isn't quite as ridiculous as it could be because
not all of the cards in your limited deck are
going to be optimal. Still, the ability to stack
1/6 or 1/8 of your deck every turn is a force to
be reckoned with.
Constructed: 5/5 (I think this may be my highest
rating ever. I'd have to look though.) Limited
4.5/5 (play it.) |
Darktaro |
The final card
of the week before the big Pojo goes on vacation
is Izumi Curtis, One with All. This was the
promo that all Elric players sought after for
awhile and for good reason. 6 alchemy is beefy,
5 wits is decent for playing some of those main
wits events, 8 cost means she can play all the
big attachments for little or no EE. Best of all
she lets you stack your next 5 cards. Which has
a lot of uses. In normal conditions she lets you
figured out what 2 cards you'll draw and which
one will go to experience. But it can go way
beyond this. You can figure out which two cards
you'll draw with Quick Draw and which 2 for the
next turn and the last to experience. With Blood
and Water you can decide your next 3 cards. You
can even decide which 4 cards you'd want to lose
to Frenzy. Obviously she's only useful in an
Elric deck. The 8 cost helps gets around the
Cornello/Stray Kitty combo, but beware of Mugear,
Land Baron and Lust, Torturer as they can stop
her from assigning every turn.
Constructed: 5/5-This is the Izumi to use.
Sealed:NA(Except for those mispacks from
Artificial Human I think it was? In that case
10/5) |
lonedothacker |
Izumi Curtis, One With All 8 Cost Elric
Human- Hero
Main Alchemy: Look at the top 5 cards of your
deck. Place them back on top in any order.
The end of the week brings us to my favorite
Izumi ally, OWA. The first Izumi ally and this
week our first above 5 cost! I believe this is
the most powerful Izumi, period. Her ability has
no cost to it which can hurt in getting
cancelled, but atleast its not costing you
anything to try. Being able to continually stack
your deck is a great asset, the only time this
may not work in your favor is if you have an
unfortunate search phase that went really bad
and you opted not to have the allies be your
draw. She has fairly decent Wits, with all the
Elrics new fangled pumps can easily be modified
to something fight worthy. Her Alchemy is really
shining however at 6, which is average for level
2 Elrics often.
Overall a very potent Izumi with her amazing
ability and workable stats.
Constructed- 4.5/5 Stats with a boastable
ability, what can I say!
Sealed- If you could get her and run her she'd
get a 4 in my book, but shes pretty well not
coming out of a pack.
I hope you all enjoyed a week designed by me, if
I get any more ideas for something I'll try and
get another week designed. |
retched |
Wednesday 18 -
Izumi Curtis, One With All
Here's our final look at Izumi Curtis with
Izumi's Player Choice/Sensei's Trial Promo Card,
One With All.
Have a good week everyone.... Bill's taking a
vacation (to GAMA?) this week and won't be able
to post up for the couple of days but if
anything he'll be back on Monday and we'll be
here too. Take care everyone... And now Izumi
Curtis, One With All
8 Cost - Elric Ally
Human * Hero
Main Alchemy: Look at the top 5 cards of your
deck. Rearrange them in any order.
Nice ability... There are two ways in which this
ability can be used. First, if you have no draw
abilities being played, you can use Izumi's
ability to determine which two card you want to
come to your hand, and which card you want to
get sent to your leader experience pile next.
Sweet ability. The second way you use this
ability is to not only tell what you may get
next turn, but if you have draw abilities
waiting to be played, you can rearrange the
cards so that you can determine what card
exactly it is you draw during this turn prior to
the other effects ability. Izumi herself is
pretty expensive, her 8 cost will mean you will
need at least a level 2 leader in order to
recruit this ally. All in all not too bad of a
card, just means you have to wait to bring her
out by at least three turns from the start of
the game.
Let's go to the scores...
Constructed: 4.75/5. This card is great. It's
cost as an ally is expensive but the ability to
cheat once per turn AND still be able to attack
in the same turn is all but two reasons why it's
Limited (it's available as a Signature card as
well): 4.25/5. Second level leaders USE THIS
CARD. Now if you don't get a level two leader...
sad faces. But still it's still usable. And it's
not too bad. If you're playing Sealed Deck, it's
possible. If it's Booster Draft, we got problems
sir... we got problems.
Grab some chalk and chap them hands...
Paul / retched |
The “Steel
Talon Alchemist” |
Izumi Curtis:
One with All
8 Cost Ally
Strength 3
Wits 5 Alchemy 6
Main alchemy:
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and
rearrange them in any order.
This promo is
still one of the hottest Izumi allies around.
You just can’t get around that main ability. It
is just purely deck control, get what you need
to the top and trash your opponent the next
turn. Do this every turn and you will maintain a
position of power in the match.
Final Score
5/5 Simply the best Izumi ally in the game, use
Sacrificial act or a cop to get to the level you
need and then control the game with this card.
Limited: NA
unless your lucky enough to yank the signature
and then use it.
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist