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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Roy Mustang,
Heavy Handed:
There's a lot that's awesome about heavy handed.
The picture is amazing, the flavor text is
amazing, the name is pretty good, and it was
designed by the world champion. In terms of
actual gameplay, Roy is a little strange.
In constructed, Roy is decent, but it's
debateable if he's actually better than any
other military Roys. His effect is strong, but
his attributes aren't particularly high, and the
effect isn't as strong as, say, Sarcastic. But
it is a hero, which helps its playability. If a
deck needs more big drops, he's a good choice. I
particularly like him in Maes Hughes, where he
makes Elysia great at the last location as a
In limited, Roy is much stronger. Any level 2
with 8 command should try playing him, there'
isn't really a reason not to, he has alchemy and
a strong search-oriented effect. If you're a
better strategist than your opponent, you should
do fine.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5 |
lonedothacker |
Welcome to
Military Week Day 1
Today we look at Roy Mustang, Heavy Handed. This
card was the card designed by World's Champ Mr.
Roy Mustang, Heavy Handed
7 Cost Military Faction
Human-Hero-Solider-State Alchemist
While Roy Mustang is in a search party, set each
defending character after an attack is declared.
This is a pretty nifty card. His stats are kind
of meh, but his effect is pretty nifty. Oddly
enough, during military week I don't see him
working best inside the military deck build. I'm
not huge on splashing allies, but this one I
just couldn't help but see splash potential. My
deck of choice for him would be a mob deck. The
idea for me would be see if I couldn't pull off
multiple search actions via Police Squad or Jean
Havoc as the couple non-mobs in the deck. Let
your little guys set their big guys and out last
them in the overall location goal. Of course
this depends on meeting the goal while losing a
few characters here and there.
Overall this guy is pretty strong in the right
Constructed: 3.5/5- Good ability the stats are a
little harsh, however your deck should have some
way to guard him.
Sealed: 3/5 Not as much versatility, but you do
have the elusive 3rd stat which is helpful. |