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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Maes Hughes,
Risk Taker:
Today we review Maes' weaker level 4. Yes, I am
in fact blatantly saying he is weaker. He has
more command, but his effect simply isn't worth
leveling up form Senior Investigator, Hero of
the Day, or even Workaholic. Family Man is much
stronger, but both are pretty weak.
It's really a matter of how amazing his level 3s
are than low playability.
That being said, I suppose he would be ok in
limited if you could actually get him out. In
speed draft that's fine, but good luck getting
four levels of Maes Hughes in any type of
Constructed: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5 |
Darktaro |
Today we're
looking at Maes Hughes Risk Taker. One of the
two available level 4's this one is an 12
command 9/9/0. His ability is like a reverse
Clue for the Search instead of searching your
location stack, you search your opponent's for
one to put into play. It can be a useful ability
but like the title implies you could be taking a
risk if your opponent has no locations you'd
rather fight on. His stats are less than
impressive when you compare him to Family Man
who is at a whopping 10/11/0. Honestly why
someone would ever level out of Senior
Investigator's huge control ability or Hero of
the Day's Stealthy abilities I don't know. The
only reason I can think about leveling out of
level 3 would be if you're fighting against
Alchemy decks and in that case you'll want
Hakuro as your level 4 since you're soliders
will be impervious to Alchemy attacks.
Constructed: 1/5-Hughes has some awesome
level 3's and Hakuro serves better as a
back-up plan at level 4.
1/5-Most games never last to level 3 let
alone 4, practically useless in sealed. You
can't even EE it :p
lonedothacker |
Military Week Day 2
All good militarys have a good leader, Hughes
has always been my favorite military leader so
yay for Hughes review.
Maes Hughes, Risk Taker 12 Command Military lvl
Main Wits 12: Shuffle the location into it's
owner's location deck. Search target opponent's
deck for a location and put it into play.
Well, hes a level 4 so this is a KISS review, as
you won't see him coming out to often. Hero in
military isn't to bad as you just slightly
change the composition of your allies, however
you lose Archer that makes attachments go away.
However at the loss of Archer you can also make
good use of A Hero's Passing. HIs effect is
expensive, usually an EE of 2 if you have Hakuro
out, Military Comission lowers it to 1, and it'd
probably be used anyway in a Military deck.
However theres no bang for your buck. The
location goes away sure, but it also goes to
opponent's location. Where this guy fits best
for use would be a multiplayer game you may have
an Elric and Homonc player opposing you. Your
Alchemist stand no chance against the Elrics
since you're probably facing a big Elric leader
and their new battle phase event usages. The
Homonc's Wits while brutal are also managable.
You chuck the Elric location in favor of the
Homonc location and you gain a better chance.
This ability would be worth something if you got
your own location since you're at base losing 3
cards to activate it.
Overall pretty meh compared to other leaders,
Dante Mistress of the Gate is a level for and
boasts an impressive 9/10/9, Maes should've
scored atleast one double digit stat.
Constructed: 2/5 His level 3s are better plain
and simple.
Sealed: 1/5 You're highly unlikely to make it
here, so he serves as a dead card. |
The “Steel
Talon Alchemist” |
Maes Hughes:
Risk Taker
12 Command
Level 4
Soldier Hero
9 strength, 9
Wits, 0 Alchemy
Solid stats
and solid command for a level 4. Sure most decks
won’t get to this level unless you’re in a very
tight game or you power level your leader. Now
don’t get me wrong I like long games since if I
don’t get to use most of my cards I just don’t
feel like I’ve played. I also like power
leveling my leader. But in the case of this card
I really like its ability. Throw a Lab Gear and
a Stray Kitty on him and you’ve got yourself the
perfect late game advantage you need.
Don’t like
the location that is in play since you won’t
have the advantage? Use his main wits 12 ability
and change the current location to one in your
opponents location stack. Sure there is the
possibility you won’t find one where you have
the advantage but you may find one where the
ground is at least equal.
Final score
Great control
for a Hughes deck late in the game, combine with
some discard and you’ve got some nice control.
Limited: 1/5
I’ve never
seen a Limited Game go to level 4 and I just
can’t see this as a viable draft option unless
you want to make a deck for constructed later.
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist