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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Maria Ross,
Maternal Instinct:
Maria Ross has 2 strong five cost allies. Of the
two (the other being insubordinate), Maternal
Instinct has much higher stats, but is actually
worse in battles than insubordinate's insane
Toughness: 3. So I think it actually depends on
the leader, and your metagame which you use.
In ALA, Roy, or Hughes, Maternal Instinct is
probably a bit better. If your metagame has lots
of alchemy, then I'm sure it will work fine. In
Hawkeye, I think Insubordinate is a better
choice because of Demanding Obediance's
toughness boost. They're both playable, and I
suppose Maternal Instinct is a bit more playable
In limited, Maternal Instinct is a nice level 1
ally with a decent ability and stats. There's
really not much more to say.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5 |
Darktaro |
We finish off
Military week with a look at an old favorite,
Maria Ross, Maternal Instinct. At 5 cost she has
decent wits, allowing you to use cards like More
on the first turn. With Hakuro in play it also
allows you to play Reinforcements. Her ability
is situational but can come in handy say against
an ally that has a built in pump that uses
alchemy. She works best in an all heroes deck
taking advantage of A Hero's Passing and Banding
Together, but in general Military decks with the
addition of the new soldiers from Sacrifice, her
usefulness has definitely diminished.
Constructed: 3/5-Hero decks yay, other decks
Sealed: 4/5-A bit more useful here as any 6
command level 1 can recruit her.
Darktaro |
lonedothacker |
The last day of our military week.
Our boys of war may get tired on the battle
field, and what better way to cheer them up then
with a Mother's touch, Ms. Ross offers that to
our boys in blue.
Maria Ross, Maternal Instinct 5 Cost Military
Search Wits 6: Target character cannot play
alchemy events or abilities untill the end of
the turn.
I like this card and hate it at the same time.
Lets just say I play Elric. Military makes good
use of her for their State Alchemist who can
boast a slight stat increase ala Surpressing
Fire or the 6 Cost drop 2 pumps, when Elric rely
mostly on Alchemy events and abilities to pump,
what're they left to do? Since many decks sub
very few Alchemy events beyond a possible Spoils
of War, this ally is lost against many other
decks. It has potential against a Scar deck
where the leader uses Alchemy abilties, but
thats about it. The cost doesn't bother me much
as Hakuro makes her a 6 Wits and at worst you're
chucking one to hinder a character. If you're at
one of your own Triple Threat locations or duel
threats that involve Alchemy, you're able to
avoid a showdown on one character. You still
have the threat of Showdowns in the hand,
however if you can make it around and take out
another character or two.
Overall, this is a pretty strong lady who knows
how to take care of her boy's.
Constructed: 3.5/5 Pretty good, not bad for an
early recruit which allows her use against a non
alchemy centered deck.
Lonedothacker |
retched |
Friday - Maria
Ross, Maternal Instinct
Welcome back to the card of the day and today
being Friday so everyone go out and enjoy your
weekend. Now let's take a look at the card of
the day, a common from Artificial Human.
Maria Ross, Maternal Instinct
5 Cost - Military
Search Wits 6: Target character cannot play
alchemy events or abilities until the end of the
Ok this card isn't too bad for a common.
Semi-light cost (drop one unless you boost it's
wits attribute), basically let's you choose a
character and prevent them from playing anything
involving Alchemy cost altogether. Great against
any deck involving heavy Alchemy usage like most
State Alchemist/Elric decks based around Alchemy
pumps or Alchemy events. If you're playing
against say a Homunculus deck... you can't do
much since 99% of the characters under
Homunculus faction don't have Alchemy to use
(Wraith is the only one). Unless they managed to
get the only +1 Alchemy boost from an attachment
or battle ability.
Case in point, since the card states "target
character" this will do great against any leader
(*cough* Izumi Curtis) that involves a Quick
Alchemy ability. (Reminder: Quick Alchemy X =
Battle Alchemy Discard an alchemy event from
hand. This character gets +X Alchemy ...) "Hey I
see that you just leveled up to Level 4 Izumi
Curtis... Cool... I drop one card and she cannot
use any Alchemy abilities this turn. And hey
look it's a battle of alchemy now **cheesy grin
here** Then they play Desperate Parry and you're
screwed. Let's take a look at the numbers...
Constructed: 4/5. If you're playing Military
she's in your deck... If you're playing
Elric/Rebel and you have a spare command point
... here you go. Homunculus? Can't touch **
Insert MC Hammer beat here **
Sealed: 4.5/5. This card won't do too bad in
sealed decks. Especially in limited formats
since you ignore the Hero/Villain restriction.
You pull her out... She's in the deck. Hope for
an extra copy since it's a common...
Hope you enjoyed today's reading.
Also as I read around in the FMA forums at
http://www.fmatcg.com . I read that somewhere
along the line I made a mistake on a post not
too long. Please forgive for I normally do this
extremely late/early in the morning. If I ever
do make a mistake, simply (kindly) make a note
to me on the forums (Rules/Clarifications) or do
it in private via email (retched@hotmail.com)
And thanks to the person for pointing it out to
Take care and have a good weekend...
Clap some hand and draw some chalk circles...
Paul Williams/retched |