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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Hakuro has been a staple in almost every
Military deck since Premier.
It's easy to see why- he has at least passable
stats on his own, and gives a huge bonus to your
field's stats, even at level 1.
At 5-cost, Hakuro is a common starter in most
Military decks, and if not, probably a 3-of to
grab with Reinforcements and recruit by the
second turn. The advantage he gives is so huge
he's an auto-include (I would argue even in
shadows, as I don't like the 3-drop shadow
In sealed and speed draft, Hakuro is a different
beast. He's still plenty strong if you have a
military starter, but if you don't, he's pretty
useless. In speed draft, he'll be an easy card
to grab if he fits your strategy, and his effect
will be even more amazing than it is in
constructed thanks to how limited formats are
even more geared towards the search phase.
Constructed: 4.75/5 (There are rare occasions
where I might pick something
Sealed: 1/5 if non-Military, 5/5 for Military.
Speed Draft: 5/5 (If and only if he fits your
strategy, just don't first pick him over a level
Darktaro |
This week is
solider week! We start off with an ally from
Premier that is still just as strong as he was
back then, Hakuro, General. He serves a very
simple purpose, all your soldier characters gain
plus one strength and wits. Most decks run him
in two ways at 5 cost you can start him and a 1
cost ally of your choice. Decks that want to
start Policeman will usually run 3 copies of him
and hope to drop him turn 1. Personally I prefer
to start him as it'll help you win a lot of
early locations. In addition to helping in
battle, the +1 wits helps with determining the
active player. Needless to say, if you're
running a deck with any majority of Military
solider allies, you should run this ally.
Constructed: 5/5-A definite Military staple. |