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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Kain Fuery,
Master Sergeant
For such a neat character, Kain Fuery sure
didn't get enough cards for awhile. Master
Sergeant was the first Kain, and I think still
probably the best, though he now has some
Although is admittedly sees much less play now,
Pensioner, Veteran of the Ishbal Massacure is
still a threat to Military, who relies very
heavily on their 8-command for allies like
Veteran Alchemists, State Alchemists, and Vato
Falman, Warrant Officer. Master Sergeant allows
you to regain the necessary command against
Pensioner (or similar cards like Roy Mustang,
Administrator), and also can allow you to have
more command to help draw with King Bradley,
Always on Duty.
Master Sergeant's largest threat to his
playability comes from the powerful Kain Fuery,
Superstitious. Superstitious has a huge pump and
decent stats with the Hakuro pump, and is a hero
to boot. Although he is strong, I think the
added command- and the solid 7-drop ally, is
In sealed, Master Sergeant can be played by any
deck with an 8-command, and has relativly decent
stats, so he is a decent ally at worst, and a
moderatly good one at best. in speed draft it
would be possible to (theoretically) build a
deck around him and an 8-command level 2, but it
doesn't really make any sense to me.
Constructed: 3.75/5 (although there are no
better options, he's not quite a
Sealed: 3.5/5
Speed Draft: 3/5 (more options available.)
Darktaro |
Today we take a
look at Kain Fuery Master Sergeant. It's a 7
cost ally with 5/5/0. Though of course if you
are playing him you probably aren't too
concerned with his stats. His ability is where
he shines, adding an additional command for your
leader to recruit with. This Kain fits only in
certain decks in my opinion. One of the best
decks I can see it in is actually in a Dante
Military deck. You can drop Kain while he's
still out of faction and give Dante 9 command to
work with. Also of course if you are running a 7
command leader, this Kain opens the door for
Vato, King Bradley, State Alchemist, and all the
other beefy 8 cost military allies. If you're
running more of a battle deck however, I'd stick
with Kain Superstitious.
Constructed: 3/5-More Kain options out nowadays
has hurt it's overall playability. |