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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

FEB 21 (Hohenheim
Elric, Protective Father):
Protective Father is, hands down, my favorite
card in Sacrifice.
Although it may not be the strongest card in the
set (that probably goes to Fight on My Terms or
Frozen), he has a powerful ability with some
real potential.
As demonstrated by the past success of Envy,
Vain and Pride, Fuhrer King Bradley, playing 9
cost allies at level 2 is really, really good.
Elric has a very different pool than Homunculus
does when it comes to
9 costs, but they are still strong. There are
the options of Alphonse Elric, Tireless Fighter,
Izumi Curtis, Seething Temper, Edward Elric,
Family Ties or Edward Elric, Prodigy, etc. They
don't have the raw setting power of Mugear, Land
Baron or the advantage destruction of Lyra, Not
Who Greed Thinks, but they are all great
Elric really needs strong allies these days,
especially with location control somewhat nerfed
and Fight on My Terms running amuck. Spooky
Shadows floats around in the same decktypes,
which can be pretty harmful if your allies don't
have large enough base stats. Hohenheim gets
around that weakness nicely. His downside is,
obviously, that he requires a stone for his
effect. Stones are actually pretty easy to get
thanks to Dante, Secretive Crone and G.G. Factor
(which has the most accurate name ever for a
Hohenheim deck). It will take some time to see
how much play Hohenheim gets, but I'm very
In any form of limited, this Hohenheim is a bit
weak. 9 cost Elric allies are almost all rare,
and his 8 command has a built in pump. Add in
the fact that you need an Elric in play for his
effect and he gets worse. Still playable, just
not insanely broken.
Constructed: 5/5 (A bit biased)
Sealed: 3.5/5
Speed Draft: 4/5 (a little more playable) |
Darktaro |
Our next
Sacrifice review is an XE from the set,
Hohenheim Elric, Protective Father. At 7
command, and 5/5/6 he sports some pretty good
attributes with a Quick Alchemy: 2 to back him
up. What really sets this above and beyond any
other level 2 leader is it's built in command
booster. For the low cost of 1 stone point and
by having an ally with Elric in it's name in
play (Trisha Elric start anyone?) you can have
one turn of 9 command. This opens up the field
for very beefy allies at level 2. Add this to
the fact that there are plenty of good
experience burning alchemy events, Blood and
Water, Flashback, Badly Injured, you'll never
need to leave level 2.
Constructed: 5/5-An amazing Hohenheim level 2
that gets around the Elric curse of good 7
command leaders. |