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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Envy, True Face
Envy has had a fair amount of playable allies
since all the way back in Premier. Even now,
with Copycat's eratta, Envy has 3 great allies,
and a few more that are playable under certain
conditions. The first two allies, which I
believe are a bit weaker, are Envy, Doppelganger
and Envy, Just a Rumor. Although they are
powerful cards, they lack a certain distinct
ability that True Face has.
True Face is, in my opinion, the single best
ally in Sacrifice.
Although his ability isn't always useful (most
notably against Scar, Life on the Run and Izumi
Curtis, PO'ed), he shuts down some of the more
powerful leaders in the game incredibly well,
and also does something that's at least decent
against many more. Combine that with his huge
5-6-0 stats for a turn 1 drop and he's a great
inclusion in many decks.
In sealed and speed draft, he's a great
inclusion for any deck that doesn't use Envy as
a leader. He has great stats and a very damaging
effect against several leaders. There's really
no reason not to play a strong 1 drop like Envy.
Constructed: 4.5/5
Sealed: 4.5/5
Speed Draft: 4.5/5 |
Darktaro |
Sacrifice review is Envy, True Face. This by far
has to be among the top cards released this set.
Homonculus players should be all over this card
for many reasons. It's 6 cost and recruitable
turn one. It boasts 6 wits which is enough to
play many events off the bat. And it's effect is
devasting. It can singlehandly shut down many
decks by denying the opponent the chance to do
what their leader was designed to do. We'll have
to see how it effects the meta in weeks to come
to see if it THE Envy you would want to put in
Constructed: 5/5-Homonculus gets even more
control added to their bag of tricks.