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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
unavailable right now
Infantry Squad, Front Line
Reviewed February 28, 2007
Constructed: 4.75
Limited: 5.0
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
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Infantry Squad,
Front Line Soldiers:
Infantry Squad is a fairly unique ally for the
Military faction. Up until Rank and File, good
mobs weren't really a thing Military could
do- it was a rebel mechanic. Additionally,
because the Military faction has so many
characters already, there was really no need to
make cards for nameless soldiers. In Sacrifice,
this idea seems to have been opened up
significantly, which we see in cards like
Infantry Squad here.
Infantry Squad is strong in both limited and
constructed. In constructed, with Hakuro in
play, it's more like a 9-7-0 that can't play
events than a 6-5-0 (which is already nice and
Additionally, since it's a mob, there's really
no reason not to run 3 of the beasts. Military,
and very notably the now playable Alex Louis
Armstrong, got some great support this set.
In limited, Infantry Squad is a bomb. They have
a built in pump, huge stats, and are playable by
any level 2 leader and two of the four level 1
leaders in Sacrifice. They are especially great
in sealed draft, where you can switch off
factions as you level easily.
Constructed: 4.5/5
Sealed: 5/5
Speed Draft: 5/5 |
Darktaro |
Military gets
another great ally to it's lineup. What's not to
like about this card, it's 6 cost so recruitable
at turn one. It's a mob so having multiple
copies in your hand is a good thing. It has good
stats on it and a built in +2 pump to str or
wits. This ally alone can take on Dante,
Reclusive Herbalist first location and win. Not
many downsides to this card, but if they were
it's it gets brutally hosed by Spooky Shadows
and that it cannot play any events. So finding
ways to pump him outside of his own built in
pump can be tricky. Otherwise be prepared to see
this guy in most Military decks from now on.
Constructed: 5/5-An early game beatstick.