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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
After a brief
hiatus, we're back looking at exclusive
Brotherhood leaders! Today is Edward Elric,
Inspiring. Not much to say being a level 4. A
bit weaker stats than Godlike power but with
much better abilities. Quick Alchemy: 3 lets it
add a bit of extra kung-fu. If you happen to be
running out of faction heroes they all gain the
Elric faction, which helps out with locations
like Resembool Graveyard. He also has the
ability to pump all your heroes allies
attributes by 1 until the end of the turn. Most
of the times the game will be over by the time
you have enough experience to level 4 and even
then most people choose not to. However there's
no downside to putting it in your leader stack
so I say run it if you have it.
Constructed: 5/5-Much more useful ability than
Godlike Power.
Joseph Canalin
The Paigow Alchemist
State Alchemist, Bay Area, CA |