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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Finally, another spoiler!
Death is, regardless of neat flavor or anything
else, a somewhat difficult card to play. 9
Strength is high, even for rebels, and the
effect has a harsh downside as well. Not only
are you not able to target the ally the dies,
but you have to sacrifice an ally as well.
Although the ally itself is, in fact, completely
destroyed instead of just defeated, it isn't a
drastic enough difference to warrant destruction
of your own ally, and ultimatly card
disadvantage as well.
The fact that it's vile is a minor plus since it
can be searched out by rush valley streets, but
it's really just a flavor based card instead of
anything else. In sealed, there might be
slightly more use if you can pay the strength,
but that seems difficult. Unfortunatly, I cannot
see any time in the near future that this card
will really be used competetivly, especially
with cards like Overwhelmed and By the Order of
the Fuhrer in the metagame, but I challenge
anyone to prove me wrong.
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 1.5/5
Darktaro |
Today we have a
special treat, it's our first Sacrifice spoiler.
Hopefully those reading this have already seen
the whole series or don't care about it because
it's actually two spoilers in one. Death is an
event that cost 9 strength to use, but only
allies can use it, making it a bit harder since
usually the leader is the one with the beefy
stats. It is however a very devasting effect.
Up to now most cards that could take out a
character for the most part defeated them
meaning you'd really have to defeat two
character to try to take one off the field since
they could recover one. Death is one of the
first card that sacrifices a character. So they
aren't just defeated with a chance to come back,
they are gone from the field. I can see one
devastating combo already with Curiosity/Open
Defiance to have their strongest threat assign
to your location and sacrifice one of your
smaller characters to destroy it. Still, as
powerful as this card is 9 strength can be hard
to come by. I see it happening most in a deck
running above average strength and putting
Armstrong Family Gloves on a solid 8 cost
Constructed: 2/5-Only in very specific decks,
you still need 9 strength to use it and you are
still losing one of your own allies.
Joseph Canalin
The Paigow Alchemist
State Alchemist, Bay Area, CA |