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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Izumi Curtis,
Feigning Defeat
Izumi is doubtlessly a strong leader. She has
(arguably) the best level 2 in the game in PO'ed
and strong supporting leaders of other levels.
In truth, the only choice that actually needs
(or even gets) to be made in Izumi's leader
stack is with her level 3, for which she has two
separate strong choices.
Feigning Defeat has a strong search effect,
higher quick alchemy, and all around better
stats, while Sensei has a universal alchemy pump
and a powerful ability to destroy annoying
advantages like Seven Deadly Sins or attachments
like Mark of the Ouroboros. After a bit of
thought, I think my choice of the two would be
Sensei simply because there are many harmful
advantages out there, and also a few Elric
allies with 1 or 2 alchemy off of their
activation costs. However, in a void, Feigning
Defeat is still a strong card.
In limited, Feigning Defeat is impossible to get
barring a crazy mispack, so there's no point in
rating it.
Constructed: 3.75/5 (strong, but Sensei is a
better option).
Hohenheim Elric, Returning Father:
Hohenheim Elric, Returning Father is a confusing
preview to me.
Although it appears to be a passable level 1, it
confuses me because all of the spoilers we have
seen of Hohenheim leaders use Philosopher's
Stones for their effects. Because of this,
Returning Father seems a bit out of place in
However, its effect is decent in constructed,
although very little fighting is done at level
1, and in speed draft he's good simply for his 6
command. In sealed (until Sacrifice releases
that is) he's not very good because he's the
only Hohenheim leader.
Constructed: 4/5 (decent for a level 1)
Sealed: 1/5
Speed Draft: 4/5