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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Edward Elric,
On the Lam
Although I find this picture entertaining,
there's very little to say about this card. It's
an unaligned Ed, which makes Ed every
faction/lack of faction but homunculus, and it
costs four. However, it has extremely low stats
(3-2-3 for four? yikes.) and the pump isn't
nearly as strong as Majhal, Friendly Neighbor,
who would better go in this slot.
In limited, it probably isn't the best choice,
but wouldn't hurt if you just need more
alchemists to round out your allies.
Constructed: 1.25/5
Sealed: 3/5
Speed Draft: 2/5 (you should be able to choose
better allies here).
Darktaro |
I thought this
was supposed to be "Huh?" week and not "Ew"
week. Unfortunately this new spoiler Ed does not
impress me at all. Low stats all around won't
help you play any events and makes his ability
to use any event for quick pointless as even
after a +2 pump he still isn't that threatening.
Also with Spooky Shadows running rampant, his
effect may be totally useless and you're stuck
with a low stat ally. I suppose he has decent
alchemy, but if you are going to expose yourself
to By the Order of the Fuhrer, why not just use
a better out of faction Ed? I suppose he might
see play in a Mahjal deck and in Sealed play as
well given the limited options. Otherwise, if
you're really in need of a cheap non-unaligned
alchemist with a built in pump, use Majhal,
Friendly Neighbor. Same cost, 1 less str, 1 more
alchemy and a Quick Ally: 3 to all stats.
Constructed: 1/5-Unless this is actually a part
of some crazy combo, not worth the space.