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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
It's experience
spending week! Let's start off by taking a look
at Roy Mustang Sarcastic. He's a 5 cost, 3/3/4,
first-turn recruit in any Military or 6 command
level 1 out of faction leader. He's a soldier so
he gets a Hakuro boost, and 4 alchemy is pretty
decent as far as 5 cost allies go. Of course
this is experience spending week so let's take a
look at what you have to spend experience to do.
For the cost of one experience he can send any
of your opponent's characters home, definitely
worth the cost of one experience.
Some downsides to this card is, Roy usually
becomes the first target of your opponent and
with such low stats he can be hard to protect.
Also certain cards like Trusted Advisor, Pride
Secret Agenda, Storm Drains, Scar Life on the
Run, etc. can make Roy totally useless. Roy best
fits in a deck that doesn't plan to level to
level 3 so you can use your experience without
it disrupting your gameplay.
Constructed:4/5-Cheap Roy allies are a bit hard
to come by. This is one of the best ones. |