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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Fight on My
In my mind, Fight on My Terms is- hands down-
the single best card in Sacrifice. It has just
as much power as location control, and is in a
much more permanent form. It especially helps
Alchemy decks that can't use location control
very easily these days.
Almost every deck can effectively use Fight on
My Terms.
Single-attribute decks can use to make
absolutely sure that their attribute is
available to fight on. Double or triple-threat
decks can use it to make sure they can fight on
their opponent's weakest attribute. It's strong,
and although there's already a ton of advantage
hate running around, there's no reason not to
play it.
In limited, it's just as strong if not stronger
in a battle-phase oriented environment. Again,
absolutely no reason not to play it.
Constructed: 5/5
Sealed: 5/5
Speed Draft: 5/5 |
Darktaro |
It's advantage
week this week and today we're starting with a
look at Fight on My Terms. When advantages first
showed up in Artificial Human they weren't
anything spectacular to talk about and now in
Sacrifice we have a whole slew of good
advantages that are worth using. Fight on My
Terms is one of those advantages. At 3 cost it
is a bit pricey, (but it does stop Tucker
Educated Fool and Slavering Beast abuse),
usually meaning you're either not going to get a
recruit or you're only going to be able to
recruit a small cost ally, but the effect is
just too good to pass up.
Fight on My Terms lets you choose an attribute
when it comes into play and as long as Fight on
My Terms is out, it adds that attribute to all
of your opponent's locations. This effect also
is not effected by the Seven Deadly Sins
advantage. With that kind of effect you can now
send in on your opponent's locations and at
least trade blows with them. It's an advantage
that can go in virtually any deck. Just be
careful of Betrayal showing up in your local
meta and make sure you can deal with it.
Constructed: 5/5-Can go in almost any deck,
almost nothing bad except for the turn of
recruit you possibly lose by recruiting the
advantage. |
lonedothacker |
Fight On My Terms 3 Cost Advantage
After fight on my terms comes into play name an
attribute. Add that attribute as a battle type
to all of your opponent's locations.
This was the first card in Sacrafice that really
made me go "Holy..." Anyway, I'm a devote Elric
player, I have extra decks, but Elric tends to
be my main tournament deck. As has been noted
Press Pass has been making a move for the game
to work on the search phase again, and its
working. The only time my Elrics assigned
outside of Alchemy locations was when I had 3
Showdowns and my Izumi PO'ed Quick Deck. Fun
times indeed. Anyway this basically gives any
deck a reason to come out swinging at any
location. It makes for fun and many casualties.
This card is potent, it removed Elrics from
being able to Change in Plans or Clue for their
own location and just win if its not changed.
Now they have to contend with Homoncs who tacked
on Wits to the battle type or Rebels and their
strength, etc. That to me was the biggest thing
this card did. Mainly Elrics, as they are the
only faction who just has swing around and smack
it down alchemy. Military had the ability to
contend with Homoncs and Rebels and face it
Shadows can be down right scary in a similar
Besides the obvious Bullseye/Betrayl weaknesses,
it also has to deal with the splashed
Restraunteur, All You Can Eat. Seven Deadly Sins
does not however stop this card. However still
play it and have your attribute ready if/when
you deal with All You Can Eat.
One of the few times I'll mention art work, as
much as I love all thing shiny, I'm a huge fan
of the non-chase art and quote over the chase.
If you haven't seen it the nonchase is Envy as
Hughes with the quote of Hughes saying basically
how Ed is keeping him from his wife.
Final Words:
This card is great, no matter what deck you run.
It slices and dices and even purees! With cards
like this there are no more guranteed locations.
Constructed: 4/5- This is the closest I'll ever
give a card to being 5/5 a theres always a
problem with it. Here we have Bullseye/Betrayl/Izumi
lvl 3 Sensei/All You Can Eat, though its effect
out weighs these drawbacks which brings it over
being just a 3.
Sealed/Limited: 3/5- Again I can't bring myself
to say a card is perfect. Though anti-advantage
isn't very heavy in a sealed/limited it can
still happen. You also lack draw acceleration to
get to such cards. You also lack a gurantee of
attribute loyalty. You're not guranteed to draft
Alchemy heavy or Wits or Strength, so it loses
some stamina, hence a lower rating then
Constructed. |
Paul Lee
Williams III |
Monday - Fight
on My Terms
Hey everyone. I'm retched, or thedonedeal,
depending on how you know me. I'm a new recruit
to the Card of the Day (so go easy on me ;-)).
I've been a player of FMA since its very first
release and have judged and played in several
tournaments since. I too bear the title of a
State Alchemist so I also know just a little bit
of the game as well. In any case here's Pojo's
card of the day for Monday.
Today's card of the day comes from Sacrifice and
is the advantage 'Fight on My Terms'. And here
are the stats of the card in case you missed the
Advantage: Cost 3
After Fight on My Terms comes into play, name an
attribute. Add that attribute to the battle
types for all opponent's locations.
This card will go great with the decks that seem
to take locations on early in the beginning of
the game but end up taking them slowly
afterwards. (This may or may not seem to take
place in the beginning parts of the game.) So
you take five points easily from your
opponent... but then your opponent plays a
location that involves battles that you can't
win so easily... What are you left with...?
Enter 'Fight on My Terms'. Play this
on the turn after you start stacking on points
and choose the attribute that you feel will help
you win all the locations and end the game
before you even get a chance to play that Level
4 of yours. Now as for the location's goal...
that's a different story.
Here's a situation to consider... You're able to
win Strength battles easily with Military/Elric
deck but your opponent seems to be playing with
a Wits heavy Homunculi deck... No problem,
simply play 'Fight on My Terms' and declare
strength. Now your opponent is going to have to
not only be able to pump their wits attribute,
they have to be also able to boost their
strength attribute as well. Nice way to keep
them on the ropes.
Now to the stats.
Constructed - 4/5. Nice card to have in
constructed battles especially when you know
your deck isn't able to take on all battles.
Limited - 4/5. Since it's an advantage it
doesn't cost that much to cast except you might
have to skip on recruiting other allies for the
turn. But having the ability to keep battles the
same with the same winning team isn't too much
of a penalty either. |
The “Steel
Talon Alchemist” |
Today’s card
is Fight on My Terms:
Any card that
allows you to get an advantage no matter how
small on your opponent’s locations adds power to
your deck. This card adds an additional battle
type to all of your opponent’s locations, sounds
like a great card for any deck. However the cost
of this advantage could prove to be too much of
a slow down early in the game. Cutting your
recruitment points in half at first level makes
this card a mid game play.
I can see any
faction using this card to some degree, but
Homunculus and Elric probably have the best deck
make up to make this card playable. Both
factions tend to rely almost exclusively on one
battle type. That’s not to say that Rebel and
Military decks wouldn’t use this but I’ve seen
so many other cards that make the battle type
strength, that this card would seem redundant.
constructed this card would make for an ideal 2nd
or 3rd level play when you have
decent allies and you wouldn’t mind passing on
another larger one for a smaller. Fight on My
Terms also adds more to the importance of the
search phase. More and more this phase is
defining who wins the game and this one makes an
even brawl where there wasn’t one before.
Now depending
on how good you are at drafting this card could
be a wonderful addition in limited play. If you
can come up with a decent game plan in your
first few draft opportunities you can build a
great deck based around certain battle types.
This card would then help cement your chances at
Final Rating:
If you are in
a meta-game where everyone uses 1 battle type
and you can sacrifice the opportunity to play
another ally than this card will work for you.
If your meta-game doesn’t rely too much on a
single attribute than you could pass for now. I
would still suggest play testing with it for use
in trials, regions and worlds though.
Limited: 3/5
The card
works wonders if you are strong at drafting. If
your not a strong drafter then I would suggest
playing another ally and concentrate on battle
events or simply pass on locations you don’t
absolutely need to go after.
The “Steel
Talon Alchemist”