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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day
Darktaro |
This week we're
looking at Sacrifice Leaders and today we start
with one of the new leaders, Hohenheim, 400
Years Old. Hohenheim is all about the stones.
All of his leaders have to do with stones one
way or another and this has a built in stone
ability. For the cost of 2 stone points you can
reset any hero character, himself included. Also
if that character has Elric in the name, it gets
+1 to all attributes. This has some potential
combos for lots of resetting, the two that come
to mind are Russel Tringham, Idealist and
Hohenheim himself with Al, Sidekick in play.
Both of those combos can get them up to 3
attacks each.
Two problems I have with this card is the stone
ability itself. I'm still not 100% sold on
stones just because without them in play the
ability is useless. Add that to the fact that
most decks have already figured out a good ratio
of allies/attachments/events/advantages that
fitting stones in means taking out other cards
that you need as well. Finally two stone points
is a bit expensive, realistically you can
probably only use his ability once per stone.
Overall I think I prefer his other level 3
Grieving instead. It has much better stats (Two
more strength, one more wits and alchemy) and an
effect while not as strong, is cheaper and still
a good effect nonetheless.
Constructed: 2/5-Unless you can find a way to
keep having a stone in play, stick with
Grieving. The lack of 1 command shouldn't hurt
too much. |
lonedothacker |
Elric, 400 Years Old
10 Command Elric lvl 3
Quick Alchemy: 2
Search 2 Stone: Reset target hero character. If
that character has "Elric" in its name, he gets
+1 to each attribute.
Well we look at SAC leaders this week starting
with one of my favorite Hohenheim Elric, or
Triple H.
So this is one of his two level 3s, the more
trick oriented version versus Grieving, his beat
sticky form. Honestly this one is my favorite.
There have been locations where if I could take
out one more character I'd have won the location
or have one more casualty due to an ill planned
search phase by my opponent. His effect is
strong, yet costly. 2 stones either uses up or
half uses up any stones you have out. Purifying
the stone can partially answer this if you have
a dead ally, ala Blue Birds vs a non discard
deck, a redrawn Policeman from BTP, etc, outside
of this its a big cost for little effect.
Considering the "cleaned" cards are removed from
the game, you won't be getting them back.
Anyway, with the ability for any of your heros
having another chance to attack. He makes a nice
combo w/Idealist giving him a chance at 3
attacks. He can reset himself with the +1 effect
part kicking in, along with Ed or Al those are
your targets for his +1.
By himself, hes not incredibly strong, a built
in QA:2 allows him to contend in either Alchemy
or Wits fairly decently.
He'd be my choice for a Triple H leader stack,
however I'd like to rely on Calling up the
Reserves or Nurtured on Souls to skip from
Protective Father to Stray Dog, but I'd rather
be stuck here then Grieving.
Constructed: 3/5- Hes fine, however hes more a
stand in IMHO between his two better levels.
Sealed: 2/5 Hes pretty sweet if you get there
with built in pumps, but level 3 isn't exactly
common. |
retched |
Monday -
Hohenheim of Light, 400 Years Old
Well now since Sacrifice Advantage week is
done... it's now time to reveal some more cards
from the set.. This week's focus... Leaders! And
what better way to start the week off that with
the big guy that helped take the show crashing
to it's dramatic finish, the Hohenheim of Light
(aka Hohenheim Elric). Not getting deep into it
(aka spoiling it for others) but in the show it
turns out that, along with the body switching
Dante, Hohenheim has been around for about...
forever by harnessing the power of the
philosopher's stone. Bare the last sentence you
just read in mind... let's get to today's card
of the day.
Quick Alchemy 2
Search [2]: Reset target hero character. If that
character has "Elric" in his name, he gets +1 to
each attribute.
Ok. The first ability of Quick Alchemy is
nothing new. Basically during the battle step by
discarding an Alchemy event you can boost the
Alchemy stat by two. Nothing out of the ordinary
from Alchemist's Gate. But the second ability is
what might confuse people.
Sacrifice (and Seven Deadly Sins for that
matter) introduce the card type know as "Stone
Events" when played Stone events are Dual Type
events meaning that they can be played when you
have a stone card on the field (treated as an
advantage but not affected by cards targeting
them) or by other means (as introduced in Seven
Deadly Sins).
With that in mind, the Search [2] ability
becomes a question of... do you discard two from
the top of your deck
to play it. Well for the ability to reset a hero
once per turn AND to give him a boost of +1 to
each attribute... During the search phase?! That
doesn't sound too bad. Worse case scenario you
either use up a stone or half a stone to pay for
it (stones carry a normal limit of 2 to 4) but
remember that you can only have one on the field
regardless... So you were probably bound to
discard it anyway. This would be really great if
you attacked with your beefed-up Alphonse or
your just finished attacking Ed. Just discard
two stone points and one of them comes back
stronger with a boost in hand. Not bad. All at
the cost of discarding two cards from your deck.
Hmmm... Let's look at those numbers shall we.
Constructed: 3.5/5 Ok. The abilities of this
card aren't too bad... BUT having a stone in
play would help you out. A bit conditional but
the second ability can still be played. Best
start cracking them stone cards and remember how
to play them (as if you were recruiting an
advantage and note that you can only have one
stone in play REGARDLESS of name).
Limited: 1/5. Long and short run... PASS on this
card. The "scry"-like effect may hurt you in the
long run. |
The “Steel
Talon Alchemist” |
Today we
start off “Sacrifice Leader Week” with Hohenheim
Elric 400 Years Old
Well As it
was said during Stone week, the Philosopher
Stones look decent but there are too many other
options you can use to get the same effects
without the cost of your deck. Don’t get me
wrong I plan on using them in a couple decks
just to find out how powerful they can be and
what weaknesses they have. After all if I
learned one thing watching Worlds last year and
seeing 2 of the best players I know in any card
game not make the final four it’s that MN
doesn’t have the best variety of decks in play
at any given time.
Anyways, on
to the review. Now in constructed Hohenheim 400
years old seams to have some serious competition
from current Elric level 3 leaders. Izumi
Sensei’s stats are very similar and can destroy
attachments and advantages, Alphonse Elric, the
Philosophers Stone has better strength and
alchemy with quick 3. My personal favorite
Edward Elric, Our Hero beats out Hehenheim’s
stats unless Hehenheim’s quick 2 is used but
then he will only beat Ed’s alchemy and tie in
wits. It all comes down to the stone abilities.
For 2 stone points you can reset a hero with
Elric in their name and pump all their
attributes +1 until the end of the search phase.
And if you play with a lot of the new stone
events and choose your stones carefully then you
should be highly competitive. Bright Stone, Red
Tincture and the Right Arm of Judgment seem to
be the best choices for a drop on several turns.
In Limited
there are plenty of things that can go wrong
with this card. Number one in draft the general
consensus is to draft the first level 2 and 3
you come across because if you don’t someone
else will. Next you have to figure on two or
three different options you have from the get go
on how to build your ally base to go with the
possibility of a late draft Hohenheim pull. Then
there is the stone problem. 2 stones are
uncommon and 3 are rare, this makes getting them
in numbers that can easily help you and not just
for splash effect a bit tough. Yes if you manage
to pull a level 3 you are going to be in the
running for top cut so long as you are a halfway
decent deck builder.
In sealed
booster you’re going to have a much easier time
getting Hohenheim running, since whatever is in
the pack you open is in your card pool you’ll
get more chances to use stones and stone
Final Score
Stones have
yet to be a proven asset and until they are this
leader is just average.
Limited: 2/5
Too many
problems to get stone abilities moving when you
can’t even guarantee you’ll pull one stone let
alone multiples.
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist
Evan |
Review for
Hohenheim: 400 Years Old (also you listed expert
debator as the card for friday, but hasn't that
already been done?)
It's Sacrifice leader week, and that means we'll
be looking big daddy
himself: Hohenheim. This is one of the two
choices for a level three that we've been given
so far for this guy and, I gotta say, the other
one is probably better. I have not yet been able
to play around with stones enough to call myself
an expert in their use, but as far as I can
tell, there are more powerful ways to spend two
stone points than resetting your ed or al and
giving him a small stat boost. Grieving, the 9
command level 3, has an ability that can be used
in an emergency situation for just 1 clue point,
and it should essentially save a key character
from being defeated at a crucial moment. This
may be better than 400 YO's ability simply
because it costs less, and it can affect more
than just a couple of characters (it can target
any hero). In addition, Grieving has bigger
stats by a decent margin; he can stand his own
in just about any fight while this one may be in
dire straits in a battle of strength or even
Unless you are dead-set on running Alphonse,
Marked for Life, or Edward, Revisiting his Past
(which are both great cards, mind you, just a
bit late game to base your decisions off of
their possible inclusion into the game) I would
say you should use grieving instead of 400 YO.
He's got better stats and probably a more
practical stone ability, and the loss of 1
command shouldn't hurt you too bad. Mind you,
this is still a pretty good leader, it's just
that it doesn't stand out for me.
Constructed: 3/5 Not bad, just not great, and
the 9-command is better
Sealed: 4/5 Any level 3 leader, assuming you get
the 1 AND 2, is a boon for a sealed game. Of
course, you're more likely to get grieving
anyway, since that's uncommon and this is rare
-StateAlchemistEvan |