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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

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Edward Elric, Self-Righteous
March 26, 2007
Constructed: 3.50
Limited: DNA/Promo card
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Click here to see
all our
Card of the Day Reviews.

Edward Elric,
Since Researcher's power has been drastically
decreased (even if it was several months ago),
all of the other Ed allies have started to look
a bit more appealing. Self-Righteous is, in my
opinion, the best option of the bunch.
Since villain decks are always prominant,
Self-Righteous has a great hate effect that is
useful most of the time. Even military and
rebels have a few great villain allies, so the
effect that's the main source of his strength
(the +2 to each attribute pump) will essentially
always be useful. His second effect has tons of
combo potential, and it makes his effect, and
the ability of cards like Maes Hughes, Mentor,
useful against other hero decks.
The most obvious place for Ed to see play, is,
of course, in Izumi where he's a turn 1 drop. He
also has lots of potential in Marcoh, or
Alphonse fighting-oriented decks. Hohenheim
likes the 9 drop Eds more, so it's unecessary.
Still, he's huge, and really powerful for a
7-drop, despite not creating any actual card
Constructed: 4.5/5
(It's a promo, so limited ratings are removed.) |
Darktaro |
Today is promo
allies week at Pojo! This week we look at Edward
Elric, Self-Righteous. Another in the long list
of Edward Elric allies this particular Ed is a 7
cost potential beatstick. When compared to his
other 7 cost beatstick ally, Enraged,
Self-Righteous has 1 less point in every
attribute. However both cards do have ways to
pump their own attributes. Enraged has a Quick
Alchemy of 2, while Self-Righteous can have a +2
to each while opposing villian characters. Both
cards also involve card discard in their effect.
When it comes down to it I think Enraged is more
for decks that are on the defensive end. You can
assign Enraged and sometimes not even need to
attack since your opponent may decide just to
leave him alone. Self-Righteous is more of a
aggressive character as you will want him to
attack your opponent's villian characters before
a non-villian character attacks him first. In
the long run, if you're facing a non-villian
deck Self-Righteous' ability may cost you more
cards over the course of the game and has the
chance of being cancelled. Once again I think it
all comes down to meta. In a meta that runs high
villians Self-Righteous is great because he
won't need to discard as many cards and his pump
is passive and effects all attributes in all
battles. Also depending on your meta you may
find cancelling main phase events to be much
more powerful than simply battling and you may
just opt to run Researcher instead.
Constructed: 3/5-Good for battling, but a Mugear,
Land Baron or Lust, Torturer can make him
useless. |
lonedothacker |
Before I review todays card I'd like to clarify
something from a week's ALA review. I do
understand Quick attributes can boost any of the
three stats, my point was his Wits and Alchemy
probably won't rise significantly enough from it
to justify using another pump on it.
Edward Elric Self Righteous
7 Cost Elric
Human-State Alchemist-Hero
Edward Elric gets +2 to each attribute while
opposing a villian character in battle.
Main Wits Discard a card: Target characters
gains the "Villian" keyword until the end of the
Well lets see what to say about this guy. Hes a
small guy who can get big. He shines mostly
against a pure Villian deck such as Homonc/Basque/Archer
where most characters he opposes will be
villians. Being a 6/6/7 in battle is pretty
impressive for a 7 coster. His effect allows one
character to be susceptible to his beefy stats.
He can play most alchemy pumps Elrics run when
hes in his pumped form, but at base he is
dependent on Pendant. No Quick Alchemy takes
away from how much I like him at the same time.
His effect is a redeemer, but if you play
against Secret Agenda or Life on the Run, his
effect is moot as he can't target anyone.
His effect is not just an offensive one, any
interesting deck someone posted once involved
Self Righteous in a Life on the Run Deck, the
deck used allies who had lower cost then
printed. Some examples are Trend
Follower/Entourage/Mobs using Harbringer, then
he turned his level2 into a villian with Self
Righteous and played My Turn for Fame to power
level him to Life on the Run earlier. Pretty
neat idea, so long as a deck doesn't require the
card to work properly.
Overall there are several Ed's I'd run over this
one, but hes not to bad. The potential of a big
ally is great, but being dependant on your
opponent's deck is worse.
Constructed 2.5/5- Again not a fan of relying on
your opponent using something to get optimal
use, however since a neutral leader can have
villians splashed along with the fact he can
convert a character he gets cookies.
Sealed- Hes a promo you can't pull him. However
if theres some way to get him play him, villians
are teched and a self pump is great. |
retched |
Monday - Edward
Elric, Self Righteous.
Here we are ladies and gentlemen with today's
Card of the Day for Monday, March 26. Last week
we had Sacrifice leaders, now let's take a look
at some promos starting with Edward Elric, Self
Recruit Cost - 7
Human, State Alchemist, Hero
Edward Elric gets +2 to each attribute while
opposing a villian character in battle.
MAIN WITS Discard 1 card: Target character gains
the "Villain" keyword until the end of the turn.
Ok. For a 7 cost, this Edward has pretty average
stats in comparison to other Edwards, but this
Edward has two pretty cool effects. The first
being that he can give someone the Villain
keyword during the Main phases of a turn, the
second that he gets a boost out of battling that
same character on any other villian for that
matter). You should consider running The
Confident Hero (set one of your characters to
set two target villain characters) if your
playing with this card. Otherwise consider
running the various characters (and leaders)
that give a boost for opposing villain
characters in battles (Alphonse has a few
abilities you can use here and there and the
same for Roy Mustang). Now this card doesn't
help too much in regards to trying to activate
Villain only abilities as you would need to have
this ally on the field the time you activate it.
And you more than likely would've thrown that
card away for EE a while ago. Otherwise your
probably just going to be making sacrifice bait
with this card and just call it a day.
Something about this card says that it's
usable... The other part... not as much. Hero
decks, should make good use of this card.
Villains on the other hand... not as much.
Meanwhile villains will certainly love Dirty
Tricks as well as Target Civilians. Other than
that there's only a few villian leaders that
will really help you out.
Constructed: 3.75/5. The card is usable, don't
get me wrong. Just requires the right combo of
cards to make it work it.
Limited: 2/5. The cards that really make this
card worth while aren't coming to you unless you
are playing a wacky draft. |
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist |
Today we look
at Edward Elric: Self Righteous
7 Cost
4 Strength
4 Wits
5 Alchemy
Decent stats
for a Level 2 drop but the power in this card
comes from the combination of its static ability
and its activated ability. The ability to
discard a card to make one of the opponents
characters gain the villain keyword is no small
thing. The main issue is to know which character
to place that keyword on. If you can get it on a
character your opponent needs to obtain the goal
of the current location it can be a great help,
however if you choose wrong you’ve just ditched
a card and won’t see any gain from it during the
search phase. Now going up against a villain
deck this card is indispensable, getting that +2
bonus without the need to pitch a card is huge.
Final Score
This is a
great addition to an Elric deck, especially when
you have plenty of draw power.
Limited: Not
Applicable for Limited play
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist
Evan |
Those pesky
promo allies may well be hard to find, but some
of them can be well worth it. Edward Elric:
Self-Righteous is one such card, depending on
what decks you like to play with. I like this
guy for two reasons. The first is the fact that
you can villainize your favorite target on an
opponent's team, then use whatever anti-villain
goodness you may have in your deck (Maes Hughes:
Mentor for example) judiciously against a
character that would normally be harder to
touch. It's nice to know that this Ed becomes a
6/6/7, lovely stats for a 7-cost, against the
chosen villain or, if you're lucky, against
characters that are villains anyway.
Another use for Ed is in villainizing your own
team. Why would this be useful? It's a little
card called My Turn for Fame. Here are the basic
steps for doing so:
1. Start game with Edward: Parallel Soul (from
Sacrifice), a 1-cost, and policeman 2. Hopefully
you can recruit 6 points worth of allies this
Sacrifice Edward to search for Self-Righteous
and Policeman to level up (lv. 2 must be a 7
3. Use Self-Righteous to label your leader a
villain, then use My Turn for Fame to sacrifice
self-righteous, the 6 points you recruited on
turn 1, and your 1-cost ally to level up to 3.
You may lose one or two locations with this but
you can theoretically use this to gain momentum
and win with a powerful level 3, such as Scar,
Life on the Run.
Constructed 4/5: Given the right settings this
guy can be very useful.
It's up to you whether this or Researcher is a
better mid-cost Ed for you, it really all
depends on whether your deck is all about the
brute force, which this ed is very much about.
Also, speed-leveling a non-villain with my turn
for fame is always fun. :)
-StateAlchemistEvan |