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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Scar, Life on the Run is unquestionably one of
the best leaders in the game. It's sheer denial
of so many strong and frequently run cards is
proof enough of that, and his huge stats are a
Because of this, having his ability on an event
creates a very powerful card, which is why it
has the limitation or being the only Main event
or ability you play. Rebels (and Zealots) the
two decks most likely to play Entrenched
position don't really have many main actions, so
it's not a huge drawback. However, I'm not sure
if it's really worth much serious play, since
rebels can just play Scar and not use this
In limited, it's hard to play, but if you can
pull it off with enough high strength
characters, it's very helpful on the last turn.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5 |
hacker |
Hi I'm the new
guy, lonedothacker or ldh for short. I've been
playing FMA since Premier first came out. I have
no real outstanding accomplishments under my
belt for FMA, but I have the tactics side down
pretty good. I'm a State Alchemist for what its
worth so I tend to know a little bit. Anywho
Entrenched Position 7 Strength
You cannot play Entrenched position if you have
played a main event or ability this turn.
Main Strength 7: You and your characters cannot
be targeted by opponent's events or abilities
until the end of the turn.You cannot play any
more main events or abilities until the end of
the turn.
Interesting card, has some great potential and
some drawbacks. This card really shines against
Homoncs who use alot of main phase setting and
assignment prevention. Then come into the main
phase it slows down their Yoki or Run You
Coward. This all comes at a price, your main
step is limited to pretty much attachments. This
card really works best at that last winner take
all location, save your team and come out
swinging. I see this really shining in rebels,
where from what my experience is with them, you
don;t have much main, and you have the strength
to handle it. Another great area is military,
where you have main actions, but they really
shine in battle pumps. Elrics can make use of
this card, but 7 Strength is a stretch unless
you go for speed leveling or have the promo
This card is a little jewel when used at the
right time, and against the right deck. Against
much beyond homonc, this card becomes a little
less useful so it loses points. It can protect
against things like Intimidation or the 3
attribute based +3 attribute or -2 guys when
losing the two. It also shuts down some assets
such as Exposed or Iron Maiden since they target
you. I can't think of to many other uses for
this, but being able to cripple a deck that
depends on targetting is quite useful.
My Final Thoughts:
Constructed: 2.5/5 - While having many uses, it
depends on your opponent to be using them, and
depending on your opponent is seldom a good
Sealed: 1/5 - It'd really come down to what
you're drafting and if theres enough targeting
cards/abilities to make it worthwhile. Also
needing a 7 Strength character MAY be a stretch,
but seldom is. |
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist |
Today’s card
is Entrenched Position:
As I’ve looked through Sacrifice and thought of
the ways I can utilize these new cards in
existing decks, this card has definitely gotten
my attention. Anyone who plays a strength heavy
deck will find this card very helpful. It will
especially go well with those wonderful Shadow
decks out there. The Level 3 Pride Filmstrip
makes it almost impossible to affect Shadow
Allies. Now add in the ability to nyx any
possible events played against those same allies
at level 2 and you’ve got yourself some serious
field control.
Looking at the other Factions and you can see
this card is playable all around. Rebel has more
than enough strength to pump it out at level 2.
Homunculus leaders should find it easy to pull
off as well. Elric is the faction that would
have the most trouble at level 2 but shows no
problems at level 3. But then Elric has so many
other card choices that I can’t see too many of
this card in one of their decks.
In limited play this card becomes a bit slower
to pull off but is still very useful. In this
format the addition of either the Blood Seal or
The Promise attachments can get this card out at
level 2 very easily. Since that always depends
on what you pull in your packs this card is less
powerful in limited play.
Final Rating:
It will still
depend on your deck makeup but this one has card
advantage written all over it.
Limited: 3/5
Powerful but
too dependent on your other pulls in sealed and
what gets passed to you in draft.
The “Steel
Talon” Alchemist