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Pojo's FMA Card of the Day

Red Stone:
This week is all about what are (in my opinion)
the best Philsopher's Stone cards. Now, I
actually think that the relative goodness of the
stones changes with their point requirement.
When it's easier to play stones (at level 1 with
Hohenheim and Dante) you're going to want a
stone that you can garuntee you're able to play-
that's what Red Stone is for. It plays early on,
grabs what is probably a Braving the Unknown,
and lets you use your level 2 ability. It's not
going to last very long no matter what, so it's
distinctly better than Red Tincture since it can
garuntee you that it will have an actual effect.
Red Stone is the type of stone that will only
get better as well, since mroe 1 cost stone
events will inevitably be printed, and Red Stone
will have more of a bank to search from. It's
only downside is how quickly it will disappear,
but hopefully it will activate Hohenheim Elric,
Protective Father's ability a couple times
In limited, Red Stone is a little bit worse in
comparison, but still amazing. Sacrifice has a
distinct lack of stones because they are all
uncommon or rare. With the large numbers of
common stone events, this can pose a serious
problem. Basically, if you see a stone, use it,
but Red Tincture is a bit better since it will
have an effect on battle in limited.
Constructed: 3.75/5 (best choice for the slot,
but 2 costs stones aren't amazing. That being
said, the slot is still necessary.)
Limited: 4/5 |
lonedothacker |
Welcome to
Stone week
Red Stone
2 Stone Cost
React Alchemy: When Red Stone comes into play
search your deck for a card with stone cost of
More or less on that wording.
This is frankly my favorite stone card. Its very
easy to play as Dante or Hohenheim with the +2
Stone ability. Most decks don't have a terrible
time getting 2 points, so that shouldn't be to
The choice of most, including myself, for the
search is Braving The Unknown. Its a hard card
to cancel using the stone effect and gives you
nice advantage. On a superb turn drop Stone, get
Braving, play braving(lose one card) and draw 3.
Thats 5 cards out of your deck, which can be
great. I enjoy it when I'm looking to Hughes to
my discard pile or a Flashbackable event. The
thinning of the deck helps greatly to find the
placement of certain things, as well as the
ability to have a larger hand.
Overall a pretty great effect.
Constructed: 4.5/5 Very good card advantage
Sealed:3/5 Less chance of getting what you need
to play it great |
Evan |
*Red Stone*
A very nice, low-key stone. The cool part about
this is the low cost, which means you can play
it very early game. In fact, Dante and Hohenheim
could play it straight out, sac a stone searcher
(Elric Dante or Gluttony) to bust this out and
use Braving the Unknown to draw 3 first turn, or
maybe an Obliterate if you're facing a mill
deck, or perhaps Overwhelming Firepower if you
want some defense. Also, the event you draw
won't exhaust the stone, so if your deck has a
decent amount of 1-cost stone events you're
still good to go. Right Arm of Judgment and
Scar's Revenge may be "bigger" in the sense that
they can draw out cooler stuff, but this is the
only one of these three that Dante and Hohenheim
can play turn 1 no questions asked. Of course,
you may want Red Tincture instead if that's your
cup o' tea and you don't use 1-cost stone
Constructed 4/5: A solid turn 1 drop for Dante
and Hohenheim decks, which are the decks that
will use the most stones anyway.
Sealed 3/5: Not as good here because you have to
wait for stone points to use and you may not
even have stone events to use it on. |
darktaro |
Although 4/20
was more than a week ago, this week we get
stoned! We start off with a look at Red Stone.
For those who are fairly new to the FMA TCG
Philosopher Stones were introduced in Sacrifice.
You play them for free during the recruit phase
if you have won clue points equal to or greater
than the stone's cost (for example if you have
one 3 clue points worth of locations you can
play a 2 or 3 cost stone).
Red Stone
is one of two stones that are 2 cost. This
means that Hohenheim, Master Alchemist and
Dante, Moment of Hysteria can play these for
free at level one. The effect of the stone
lets you search your deck for a 1 cost stone
event which at the moment would probably be
best used on Braving the Unknown for a 3
card draw.
In my
opinion stones are not quite worth using yet
as they require too many cards to be
effective. A 2 cost stone will not last very
long either especially if you are going to
use one point of the stone with the card you
searched out for. Probably only really worth
exploring in a Hohenheim or Dante deck.
Constructed: 2/5-Can be too unreliable and
situational to depend on.
Sealed:4/5-Stones are much better used in
sealed where there is usually no reason not
to play stones since the number of usable
cards may be very small to begin with.
retched |
Hey everyone
welcome to another card day of FMA at Pojo.com,
let's start what I'm dubbing "Stone Events Week"
here at Pojo.com with our first card... Red
Stone (from Sacrifice).
2 Point Event
React Alchemy: After Red Stone
comes into play, search your deck for an event
with a cost of [1]. Add that card to your hand.
Ok remember how these get played... First the
stone gets played as a recruit action during
your turn as if it were an advantage (though it
can't be targeted as if it were an advantage)
and just like advantages you can only have one
copy of a stone in play but you cannot have more
than one stone in play. Instead of command, you
need to have the number of victory points won
already before playing the card. (So a stone
card that has a 4 in the corner requires you to
have already won four or more points) To pay for
any stone abilities, simply place cards face
down on top of your stone card equal to the
number in the red circle. Once all of a stones
points are used up, discard the stone AND the
cards on top of it once the ability resolves.
(You can also replace nearly used up stones as
if you would replace an ally during your turn.)
Whew... with that out of the way... (And now
that I have a firm understanding of it... unlike
last time) Let's look at the stone event...
So while you have a stone in play, two points
left, you can basically search your deck for a
card with a cost of [1] (the number one in a red
circle) and add that card to your hand.
(Obviously after showing it to your opponent.)
So come this point of the meta, if you're
running stone cards you are obviously running
some of kind of stone ability in addition. So
the question becomes, how usable is this card?
Very usable in stone heavy decks.
Think about it, any card that has an ability
printed with a cost of [1]... there are about
five events from Sacrifice with a cost of [1]:
Braving the Unknown, Obliterate, Overwhelming
Firepower, Sealing the Homunculi, and Untold
Joy. All which have some kind of strong effect
that works... period. So if you're running four
copies of each in a constructed deck (20 cards
or roughly one third of your deck if you're
running a tight 60 card pile), or if you managed
to draft/pull them from your packs... This stone
ability isn't too bad. The only draw back is
the fact that this is an alchemy deck and cause
you some pain while playing the "no-no, I'll
cancel that ability right there" decks. Plus it
opens up two stone points for the abilities you
might possibly be playing this turn when you use
it's react. All in all, not too bad.... Now see
how it suits up.
The Numbers:
Constructed: 3.75/5. Good builds can be made
from this new card type. But it's still requires
that you play stone cards in place of advantages
or even more powerful events. Still a good card
in standing.
Sealed: 3.5/5. Three of the events listed are
common, two are uncommon. If you get yourself a
good set of pulls, you might actually be able to
use this card. |