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FMA Top Ten  

From: Sean Handy [mailto:andro_sphinx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:10 PM

Subject: McShake's top ten Elric cards

Hey All, I just thought it would be cool to rate my top ten Elric faction or only elric cards (or at least that I know of, no flames please) anyway, if you wanna chat or anything E-mail me @ Andro_Sphinx@yahoo.com

Winry Rockbell - Gear Head, Custom Work, Edward Elric - Strategist, Edward Elric - Researcher, Izumi Curtis - Mistress of Alchemy, Tim Marcoh - Clever Deserter, Alex Louis Armstrong - Overbearing Bodyguard, Burning the Past, Resembool Graveyard, and Alphonse Elric - Seven Feet of Trouble, now, I just need to put them in order.

10. Winry Rockbell - Gearhead

I know, some people don't like this card because for the most part, Elric is about Alchemy SMASH! This card doesn't quite fit the description, but I stil run one of these because it won't always be alchemy, (or wits if you have big wits) I mainly use it in the case of a strength brawl. This card has saved my @$$ countless times, not really against mob, because I run a lot of attachments, but not that many, but still, it saves from rebel beats or control, which don't use as many mobs and allys, so it's all good.

9. Alex Louis Armstrong - Overbearing bodyguard

This is on here for the same reason as Winry, he is a beatstick in all stats, and he can go up to 7 strength, which is helpful against somethings, like militia, for example.

Plus, if you don't have anything with bigger alchemy than him out, (which you really should in Elric) then you only have to EE 1 for sensei's shadow to get something better.

8.Custom Work

This card is awesome with in Marcoh 7, will be awesome in Izumi, but hey, it's pressure every turn, hey, why not, it cancels the scary things that elric hates to play, daring gambit, more, PERSUASION, hey, persuasion was the whole reason I started playing it, then, I realized I could do it on other things and that made it even better in my mind.

7.Edward Elric - Researcher

I like this card, don't get me wrong, but the strategist stops my cancels from getting canceled, and this guy might stop one cancel a turn, or persuasion, anything else that is bigger will take a card outta the hand. (Put an attachment down and that's -1 out of the hand for those who wanted to scream Lyra's pendant, or something at me.)

6.Tim Marcoh - Clever Deserter

I know, some might argue that this guy is better than Researcher, I just like this guy better because one time, I used him and got Quick Draw, Sensei's Shadow, Cage, and Burning the Past, which would you rather have?

5.Alphonse Elric - Seven Feet of Trouble

Do I need to explain this one? Well, let's see 1 search action, or 2?

4.Edward Elric - Strategist

I sorta explained this one under reseracher, but, I cancel, and they can't cancel my cancel, 'nuff said.

3.Izumi Curtis - Mistress of Alchemy

This is easily the best lvl 4 so far, for those who don't know what she is, go to fma-tcg.com and look under the first Alchemist gate design thing, anyway, I don't remember her stats, but, simply put, she is a hero, and has quick alchemy 3, quick wits and strength 2, so that is a lot of extra cards, and, from what I've read, quick alchemy is like Marcoh 7's effect. . .

2.Resembool Graveyard

This card is second, but I think it would be a lot better if it wasn't so rare, honestly, I don't know why it was so rare, I mean Empty Fountain works in more than one kind of deck, but it might be because with the fountain, there is a 50/50 chance it will backfire, anyway, this gives all of your Elric guys +1to everything, so, that means even winry is an alchemist with this in play, and, for those who are researcher-mongers and say that you wouldn't lose a card to cancel quickdraw or more with this in play, I have a proposal, you can either wait on this to get played, or you can play clue/catch the train/change of plans/the best lead yet to search for it, but, wait, those all take a card out of the hand, darn.

1.Burning the Past

This is one of the best cards in the game, with the strategist, your opponent shoots you the bird whili you shuffle 3 cages, 3 pressures, 3 daring gambits, and 3 deeds back in the deck and get to draw 4 new cards, by the way, if you run 3 of everything I just listed, that's what I do and that means that there is a cancel every 5 cards, anyway, I laugh when I use my Marcoh 7 to get even more cards, I am very cautious about playing BTP, I run peeks to make sure my opponent doesn't have a Do Our Biddind, my friend played BTP once and I played do our bidding, for the kiddies who don't know what that means, it means, my opponent draws nothing, I draw 8, and my opponent doesn't even have the chance of getting back reflections from the graveyard to EE with, or stray kittens, or anything with this, I cannot stress enough how careful I am with this card when I use it.

Anyway, thanks for reading and if you wanna chat, want help with a deck, or anything like that, just send me an email at Andro_Sphinx@yahoo.com

(P.S. I know that there are a lot of cards that go good in Elric but aren't listed, like I said at the top, these are Elric - only cards, even though a few of the cards are splashable, they were designed for elric)


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