Harry Potter Card of the Day Archive
Welcome to our HP COTD Archive. In 2002 and 2003, we reviewed Harry Potter TCG cards for our readers. There are about 300 Harry Potter cards reviewed below. We didn’t want these to be lost in “The Internets” forever, so we made a new page for these. Use the Page Search function on your device to look for individual Clix. Here is a link to our Original Harry Potter site.
04.11.03 –Checked!
- 04.10.03 –Blocked!
- 04.09.03 –Ouch!
- 04.08.03 –Smash!
- 04.07.03 –Defence!
—– - 04.04.03 –Dobby’s Help
- 04.03.03 –Keeping Dobby Quiet
- 04.02.03 –Blocked Barrier
- 04.01.03 –Freezing Charm
- 03.31.03 –Hover Charm
—– - 03.28.03 –Arthur Weasley
- 03.27.03 –Ron, Youngest Brother
- 03.26.03 –Peeves
- 03.25.03 –Colin Creevy
- 03.24.03 –Griphook
—– - 03.07.03 –Whomping Willow
- 03.06.03 –Venomous Tentacular Juice
- 03.05.03 –Venomous Tentacular
- 03.04.03 –Leaping Toadstools
- 03.03.03 –Cobra Lily
—– - 02.21.03 –Gryffindor Common Room
- 02.20.03 –Slytherin Common Room
- 02.19.03 –5 Points From Gryffindor
- 02.18.03 –Running From Filch
- 02.17.03 –Flying to Hogwarts
—– - 02.14.03 –The Leaky Cauldron
- 02.13.03 –Copper Cauldron
- 02.12.03 –Pewter Cauldron
- 02.11.03 –Silver Cauldron
- 02.10.03 –Gold Cauldron
—– - 02.07.03 –Overdue Homework
- 02.06.03 –Potions Homework
- 02.05.03 –Research
- 02.04.03 –Homework
- 02.03.03 –History of Magic Homework
—– - 01.31.03 –Muddy Practice
- 01.30.03 –Windy-Day Match
- 01.29.03 –Ravenclaw Match
- 01.28.03 –Rainy-Day Match
- 01.27.03 –Hufflepuff Match
—– - 01.24.03 –Floo Powder
- 01.23.03 –Family Ghoul
- 01.22.03 –De-Gnoming the Garden
- 01.21.03 –Garden Gnome
- 01.21.03 –The Burrow
—– - 01.17.03 –Dogbreath Potion
- 01.17.03 –Black Bat
- 01.15.03 –Dragon Poison
- 01.14.03 –Dragon-Hide Gloves
- 01.13.03 –Dragon’s Escape
—– - 01.10.03 –Draco the Seeker
- 01.09.03 –Biased Commentary
- 01.08.03 –No Hands
- 01.07.03 –Practice Match
- 01.06.03 –Angelina Johnson
—– - 01.03.03 –Prickley Porcupine
- 01.02.03 –Manticore
- 01.01.03 –Slinking Ferret
- 12.31.02 –Errol
- 12.30.02 –Crazed Capybara
—– - 12.27.02 –Chocolate Frogs
- 12.26.02 –Delivery Owl
- 12.25.02 –Christmas Feast
- 12.24.02 –Good Night’s Sleep
- 12.23.02 –Winter Holiday
—– - 12.20.02 –Hagrid, Keeper of Keys
- 12.20.02 –Unusual Pets
- 12.18.02 –Norwegian Ridgeback
- 12.17.02 –Hagrid’s Umbrella
- 12.16.02 –Hagrid’s House
—– - 12.13.02 –The Weasley Twins
- 12.12.02 –Percy Weasley
- 12.12.02 –Ginny Weasley
- 12.10.02 –Arthur Weasley
- 12.10.02 –Molly Weasley
—– - 12.06.02 –Flying Car
- 12.05.02 –Caught by Snape
- 12.05.02 –Escaping the Dursleys
- 12.05.02 –Locked In
- 12.02.02 –Through the Floo
—– - 11.29.02 –Fat Friar
- 11.28.02 –Fawkes
- 11.27.02 –Engorgement Charm
- 11.26.02 –Stoat Sandwiches
- 11.25.02 –Endless Sandwiches
—– - 11.22.02 –Umbrella Flowers
- 11.21.02 –Mandrake
- 11.20.02 –Greenhouse Three
- 11.19.02 –Dragon-Dung Compost
- 11.19.02 –Professor Pomona Sprout
—– - 11.15.02 –Wizard Chess
- 11.14.02 –Slow-Acting Venom
- 11.13.02 –Rogue Bludger
- 11.12.02 –Earmuffs
- 11.11.02 –Nimbus Two Thousand and One
—– - 11.08.02 –Memory Charm
- 11.07.02 –Lockhart’s Lecture
- 11.06.02 –Deboning
- 11.05.02 –Lockhart’s Hair-Care Potions
- 11.05.02 –Guide to Household Pests
—– - 11.01.02 –Ransacked!
- 10.31.02 –Beetle Buttons
- 10.30.02 –Hermione’s Note
- 10.29.02 –Pepperup Potion
- 10.29.02 –Backfire!
—– - 10.25.02 –Counter Curse
- 10.24.02 –Petrified
- 10.23.02 –Dobby’s Disappearance
- 10.22.02 –Caught!
- 10.21.02 –Rabbit Slippers
—– - 10.18.02 –Fire Protection Potion
- 10.17.02 –Wooden Flute
- 10.16.02 –Flying Practice
- 10.15.02 –Owl Post
- 10.14.02 –Bewitched Snowballs
—– - 10.11.02 –Blue Wig
- 10.10.02 –Alihotsy Draught
- 10.09.02 –Sloth Grip
- 10.08.02 –Porcupine Robe
- 10.07.02 –River Troll
—– - 10.04.02 –Put-Outer
- 10.03.02 –Support Banner
- 10.02.02 –Hospital Bed
- 10.01.02 –Start-of-Term Feast
- 09.30.02 –No Time to Play
—– - 09.27.02 –Platform 9 3/4
- 09.26.02 –Unicorn
- 09.25.02 –Seamus Finnigan
- 09.24.02 –Quidditch Cup
- 09.23.02 –Gaze into the Mirror
—– - 09.20.02 –Draco’s Trick
- 09.19.02 –Baby Dragon
- 09.18.02 –Forgetfulness Potion
- 09.17.02 –Out of the Woods
- 09.16.02 –Illegibilus
—– - 09.13.02 –Steelclaw
- 09.12.02 –Halloween Feast
- 09.11.02 –Lapifors
- 09.10.02 –Frog-Spawn
- 09.09.02 –Dog Bite
—– - 09.06.02 –Colour-Changing Ink
- 09.05.02 –Bludger
- 09.04.02 –Self-Stirring Cauldron
- 09.03.02 –Dragon Heart Wand
- 09.02.02 –Cage
—– - 08.30.02 –Riding the Centaur
- 08.29.02 –Midnight Duel
- 08.28.02 –In the Stands
- 08.27.02 –Troll in the Bathroom
- 08.26.02 –Diagon Alley
—– - 08.23.02 –Ron the Brave
- 08.22.02 –Hermione Granger
- 08.21.02 –Harry the Seeker
- 08.20.02 –Fred & George Weasley
- 08.19.02 –Crabbe and Goyle
—– - 08.16.02 –The Fat Lady
- 08.15.02 –Peeves
- 08.14.02 –Madam Pomfrey
- 08.13.02 –Argus Filch
- 08.12.02 –Albus Dumbledore
—– - 08.09.02 –End-of-Year Feast
- 08.08.02 –Galleon
- 08.07.02 –Purple Firecrackers
- 08.06.02 –Photo Album
- 08.05.02 –Alohomora
—– - 08.01.02 –Winter Holiday
- 08.01.02 –Scribblifors
- 07.31.02 –Forbidden Corridor
- 07.30.02 –Switching Spell
- 07.29.02 –Vanishing Step
—– - 07.26.02 –Potions Dungeon
- 07.25.02 –Fungiface Potion
- 07.24.02 –Collapsible Cauldron
- 07.23.02 –Dragon’s Blood
- 07.22.02 –Hospital Dormitory
—– - 07.19.02 –Quidditch Cup
- 07.18.02 –Quidditch Pitch
- 07.17.02 –Loop-the-Loops
- 07.16.02 –Bucking Broomstick
- 07.15.02 –Bludger Bop
—– - 07.12.02 –Welsh Green Dragon
- 07.11.02 –Marble Gargoyle
- 07.10.02 –Chimaera
- 07.09.02 –Fang
- 07.08.02 –Sandstone Gargoyle
—– - 07.05.02 –Philosopher’s Stone
- 07.04.02 –Voldemort Revealed
- 07.03.02 –Mirror of Erised
- 07.02.02 –Through the Trapdoor
- 07.01.02 –Meeting Fluffy
—– - 06.28.02 –Great Hall
- 06.27.02 –Finding The Platform
- 06.26.02 –Hut on the Rock
- 06.25.02 –Flying Motorbike
- 06.24.02 –Dumbledore’s Watch
—– - 06.21.02 –Sickle
- 06.20.02 –Knut
- 06.19.02 –Liquorice Wand
- 06.18.02 –Every-Flavour Beans
- 06.17.02 –Candy Cart
—– - 06.14.02 –Gringotts
- 06.13.02 –Eeylops Owl Emporium
- 06.12.02 –Madam Malkin’s Robes
- 06.11.02 –Cauldron Shop
- 06.10.02 –Flourish and Blotts
—– - 06.07.02 –Petrificus Totalus
- 06.06.02 –Ollivanders
- 06.05.02 –Dog Biscuits
- 06.04.02 –Time Out
- 06.03.02 –Boil Cure
—– - 05.31.02 –Golden Snitch
- 05.30.02 –Titillando
- 05.29.02 –Mountain Troll
- 05.28.02 –Elixir of Life
- 05.27.02 –Winged Keys
—– - 05.24.02 –Potion Exam
- 05.23.02 –Transfiguration Exam
- 05.22.02 –Griphook
- 05.21.02 –No Time to Play
- 05.20.02 –Table Trouble
—– - 05.17.02 –Nimbus Two Thousand
- 05.16.02 –Cancelled Practice
- 05.15.02 –Cleansweep Seven
- 05.14.02 –Madam Rolanda Hooch
- 05.13.02 –Comet Two Sixty
—– - 05.10.02 –Potion Class Disaster
- 05.09.02 –Obliviate
- 05.08.02 –Picking on Neville
- 05.07.02 –Doxy
- 05.06.02 –Cobbing
—– - 05.03.02 –Potion Ingredients
- 05.02.02 –Moonseed Poison
- 05.01.02 –Bulgeye Potion
- 04.30.02 –Beetle Eyes
- 04.29.02 –Eel Eyes
—– - 04.26.02 –Gryffindor Match
- 04.25.02 –Invisibility Cloak
- 04.24.02 –Hedwig
- 04.23.02 –Harry Potter
- 04.22.02 –Prof. Minerva McGonagall
—– - 04.19.02 –Slytherin Match
- 04.18.02 –Draco Malfoy, Slytherin
- 04.17.02 –Marcus Flint
- 04.16.02 –Draco Malfoy
- 04.15.02 –Professor Severus Snape
—– - 04.12.02 –Good Night’s Sleep
- 04.11.02 –Bluebottle Broom
- 04.10.02 –Silver Unicorn Horn
- 04.09.02 –Christmas Feast
- 04.09.02 –Tawny Owl
—– - 04.05.02 –Oliver Wood
- 04.04.02 –Neville Longbottom
- 04.03.02 –Nearly Headless Nick
- 04.02.02 –Madam Irma Pince
- 04.01.02 –Dean Thomas
—– - 03.29.02 –Mid-air Collision
- 03.28.02 –Hannah Abbott
- 03.27.02 –Wand Shop
- 03.26.02 –Devil’s Snare
- 03.25.02 –Through the Arch
—– - 03.22.02 –Three-Month-Long Match
- 03.21.02 –Hebridean Black Dragon
- 03.20.02 –Letters From No One
- 03.19.02 –Professor Quirinus Quirrell
- 03.18.02 –Gringotts Vault Key
—– - 03.15.02 –Rubeus Hagrid
- 03.14.02 –Fluffy
- 03.13.02 –Norbert
- 03.12.02 –Scabbers
- 03.11.02 –Trevor
—– - 03.08.02 –Into the Forbidden Forest
- 03.07.02 –Peeves Causes Trouble
- 03.06.02 –Sticking Up for Neville
- 03.05.02 –Human Chess Game
- 03.04.02 –Hagrid Needs Help
—– - 03.01.02 –Vanish
- 02.28.02 –Fouled!
- 02.27.02 –Bruisewort Balm
- 02.26.02 –Swarm!
- 02.25.02 –Bravado