I'm Tipstar because I'm full of tips and am a star player but that's just the
card game player in me. I am also known as Candace. I used my friend’s email
and forgot to put my name. But let's get to my tip this is for a deck with some
personal favorite moves. I saw Slytherin Dormitory and it looks promising. Well
here's the tip that goes with. Put lots of Marcus flint in a deck with this
move. Play him early. With Slytherin house and using Marcus Flint you do 1
damage a turn with Snape as your starting character you do 2 a turn. You also
need Candy Cart and snuffing potion. Play candy cart and wait till his hand
size is 3 or less use Marcus's ability and play snuffing potion. Next turn
he/she will draw 3 discard three draw 1 discard one. If he has no creatures he
won't be able to do any thing. Next ton he will draw three and discard 3 and if
you play another snuffing or forgetfulness potion you stall for another turn.
Now let's calculate with all of the above you will do 10 (13 max give or take a
few) stall them for 1/2 turns and with creatures or the timely Bulgeye, you can
do 20+ damage and stall your opponent for 1/2 turns. Sweet combo huh? I will
try to send all types of tips every week if Pojo will let me until then good
luck on your matches and tournaments.