

Hey, here is my deck I am playing with. Right now i am
having a few problems from it. It wins about 1-3 games
I play and i dont think that is enough. I always lose
to creatures. Please help


//NAME: Quidditch Bash

        22 Potions

        4 Burning Bitterroot Balm

        4 Hospital Wing

        2 Noxious Potion

        4 Malevolent Mixture

        4 Ouch!

        4 Fouled!

        4 Cobbing

        1 Searching for the Snitch

        2 Out of Control

        2 Nimbus Two Thousand

        3 Pewter Cauldron

        4 In the Stands

        1 Madam Rolanda Hooch



Let’s take a look here. It looks like you want to recycle those q-spells a lot. So let’s see if we can get you better recycling.



You need Bitters for desperate times (3 is enough of those), but lets replace Hospital Wings with Bruiswort. The reason for this is that it is better to conserve some of your potion lessons and by only taking 5 you get quality cards back in your deck with out taking lots of rubbish with it. When ever you have used or lost 5 q-spells and have a Bruiswort, go get em back in your deck. With the broom they are more valuable then MM, because they don’t cost you anything.



Also MM is a waste at 2 potions. Plus if you really want to reek havoc on your opponent, just make sure you have plenty of q-spells coming. Out Of Control is a great card if you can get to it. So I suggest adding Pulling Up. They will also be filling your hand with more spells and lessons. SO a little shuffle on spells here. I like that you went for potion-quidditch deck, but potions are terrible creature control, so we need to make some room for the transfigurations. I suggest take root and trans test.




We need about 8 Trans to make sure you get one early and that should do it and one less potions for an extra Pulling Up.


I think you will increase your winning percentage some. Good luck and if you happen to see my magical eye around please return it to me, but no licking it! THANKS!




Here are the changes

+4 Bruiswort Balm

-4 Hospital Wing

-2 Noxious Potion

-4 Malevolent Mixture

-1 Burning Bitterroot Balm

+2 Pulling Up

+2 Transfiguration Test

+4 Take Root

+8 Transfiguration

-9 Potions



//NAME: Quidditch Bash

// adventures

        4 In the Stands

// items

        2 Nimbus Two Thousand

        3 Pewter Cauldron

// spells

        1 Searching for the Snitch

        4 Fouled!

        4 Ouch!

        4 Cobbing

        2 Out of Control

        2 Pulling Up

        4 Bruiswort Balm

        3 Burning Bitterroot Balm

        2 Transfiguration Test

        4 Take Root

// lessons

        8 Transfiguration

        13 Potions

// starting character

        1 Madam Rolanda Hooch