Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
Peeves - Adventures
at Hogwarts

Peeves |
Card Type:
Character/Unique |
Once per game, you may discard your hands and draw 7
cards to make your opponent discard his or her hand
and then draw 7 cards.
Card No:
20 |
Rare/Holo |
Adventures at Hogwarts |
Average Rating: 2.75
(based on 4 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

I suspect many people will dismiss
this card with hardly a glance. After all, it not only takes two
actions to play, it damages you as much as your opponent. If you
are one of these people, then you'd be well advised to reconsider
your stance. If you are almost out of cards and your opponent has
a large hand, then the effect of Peeves isn't balanced at all. It's
a card drawer for you and a discard weapon against your opponent.
This ghost most naturally fits in a fast creature rush deck that
tries to dump its hand quickly and then follow up with lesson denial.
Once you've emptied your hand, you spook them and send in another
wave of critters. It's too bad Peeves isn't a wizard, as he would
have made a fine starter (think about it).
Rating: 2.5 |

At first glance Peeves looks like
it does more harm then good, but then again Peeves might really
be good. Of course he fits in the Ron Deck which is all the rage.
He is in all essence, a weaker Griphook. But in some cases he does
help you. And those cases are when your opponent has 10 cards in
his hand and you have one card. Why not play peeves, he discards
all ten cards in his hand and then you both draw 7. Although now
all of a sudden, he just drew 7 new cards, and gets a shot at beating
you down, while you wait for your turn. Granted drawing is normally
not a good thing, you might deck yourself, however if your opponent
has a handful of cards why not take the chance. Peeves is good if
you don't have Griphook or if you're making a Ron deck, but he isn't
an essential back up character.
Rating: 2.7 |

Every castle has its ghosts, but this
one has a poltergeist too. Peeves I found a spot for you in the
world of Harry Potter TCG. If you are running a speed deck of any
kind, use him. Once you are down to the last 2 cards left and they
are the types that won't help you in this game, play him and if
you can wait a turn to use him do it. Then use his ability before
your actions, so you can have the opportunity to strike first against
your opponent. If you are playing a speed deck and your opponent
is too, make sure you are careful if you use him. Throwing him out
there will protect your opponent from putting one out, but using
his ability could definitely backfire and reverse the flow of the
game. Good Luck!
Rating: 2.6 |

First Griphook and now Peeves! Empty
your hand fast? Throw in a Peeves and annoy your friends! You got
this fast creature deck that goes off a little too quick and you
spend the next turn or two drawing? Slap down Peeves and get another
starting hand! Of course this also works for your opponent and it
is always dangerous whenever they draw cards. But if you've got
one of those new fangled adventure and character decks, you can't
go wrong throwing this guy in. Basically this is a Griphook with
a twist. He can also kill your opponent, but he can also kill you
and timing on this guy can be tricky.
Rating: 3.2 |
Sure this guy is a mere annoyance
compared to Griphook, but he gives the added bonus of getting you
more cards. This card is all about when you decide use his ability.
The best times to use it are when you are low on cards and they
have a huge hand even then you might be helping them get what they
need or when you need a certain card to save the game for you. Example
a Riding the Centaur or Steelclaw. You have to watch out though
if you both have seven cards left in your library you will get killed
before your opponent so be wary. This guy is in one of my favorite
combos Pep Talk + Griphook + Peeve. Make your opponent draw and
draw then get them to get rid of all their cards essentially doing
that much damage then get rid of their new mitt full of cards in
exchange for a measly seven new cards. This guy is a minor annoyance
in the scheme of things but he can be extremely useful at times.
Rating: 3.2 (Guest Reviewer's ratings are not added into the average.) |