Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
Gryffindor Common Room - Chamber of Secrets

Gryffindor Common Room |
Power Needed:
5 Transfiguration |
Card Type:
Location - Gryffindor Unique |
When you play this card, discard any other Location from play (yours or your opponent's). Before each player's turn, he or she counts the number of Gryffindor cards he or she has in play and may draw that many cards.
Card No:
27 |
Rare/Foil |
Chamber of Secrets |
Average Rating: 2.98
(based on 6 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

The good news is that there are 29 different Gryffindor cards that can boost the
drawing power of this location, one of which is this location itself. The bad news
is that 25 of these cards are unique characters. The other four are this location,
Hedwig, Invisibility Cloak, and Gryffindor Lion. However, since only one of these
four can appear on your side of the table in numbers greater than one, it's pretty
clear that your deck will be heavily character laden if it wants to gain substantial
draws. It's also clear, in looking at the long list of Gryffindor cards, that there is
a very good chance that your opponent will benefit from this as well, if they choose
to let it remain in play. If you're worried about helping your foe, there's another
option. Ginny Weasley provides a draw for every character you have in play, and
doesn't provide aid to the enemy. She does cost two actions to play, instead of
just one, but if your deck is running lots of characters, it should probably have her
brother Ron Weasley starting, in which case Ginny gets out in just one action. If
Ron isn't at the helm, those extra draws probably aren't doing you any good, since
a drawn character takes an entire turn to put down. The only case where I might
favor this location is in a creature deck run by a Gryffindor starter (Professor
McGonagall, for example), that runs Hedwig and four lions, and also has a few
other characters as well. Even then, I'd still worry about giving my opponent a
great chance at extra draws.
Rating: 2.5 |

With Hermione, Harry and Ron, you get the option to draw 3 cards per
turn...very nice =) It can help you get your hand back, and in the right
deck, can get your hand up to 7 cards. When comboed with Ginny Weasley, you
could get the cards you need VERY quickly, but you kill yourself faster....
Rating: 3 |

This one is considerably better than the other one as it is a continual drawing engine that
doesn’t need more than one or two Gryffindor cards in play and since it’s self is a Gryffindor card it
will help you out immeadiatley. It should come down right when your hand is starting to empty to
give you a good boost of power mid game.
Rating: 3.9 |

We are back in your common room relaxing after a hard days work. On top of
that we do one damage to our opponent for each Gryffindor card. If you have
a house deck with Gryffindors in, use this card. This card is pretty good
becuase there are so many Gryffindors. I've never used this card and I don't
think I ever will. With so many character search cards you can have a ton of
characters really quickly. If you have 10 or more Gryffindors in your deck,
you would probably want this card.
Rating: 2.5 |

There's alot more Gryffindor cards to choose from than Slytherin, so the effect is
larger in this case. If you're playing a Gryffindor House deck, this could be your
main source for card drawing. Also since drawing is optional, you don't have to
worry about drawing when you don't want/need to.
Rating: 3 |

Well now we have some more options for Gryffindor cards. Quite a few
characters, some creatures, and an item or two. But still.... Now instead
of doing damage, we may be able to draw cards? I like drawing cards,
especially when it has that all important "MAY" so that you don have to if
you are in trouble. But most days, i'd rather see a Photo Album or some
such where you get a reliable draw. of course... this is a trans card and
if you want that drawing without Charms, you might be up a crick without a
wand. Trans and Creatures is fairly common too, so you could throw in the
Gryffindor Lion just for kicks. You could even start out with McGonagall
for an automatic one draw ability. Plus this could get rid of pesky
Locations if that is a worry. I guess if your starter was a Gryffindor,
it'd actually be better than a Photo Album in some ways.
Rating: 3 |