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Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day

Titillando - Base

Power Needed: 9 Charms
Card Type: Spell
Effect: Do 3 damage to your opponent or to a Creature of your choice. Then your opponent chooses 3 cards in his or her hand and discards them. (If there are fewer than 3 cards in your opponent’s hand, he or she discards them all.)
Card No: 36
Rarity: Rare
Set: Base
Average Rating: 3.54 (based on 6 reviews) 
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.


This is an expensive spell, but I admit to really liking the effect. Three damage takes out most critters, and even if your opponent has none, you can apply it straight to them instead, so this card is never wasted. It's also not hard to find your opponent holding three cards in hand with a low health creature in play. Casting Titillando in that situation trades your two actions (draw/play it) with their five (draw/play critter, draw 3 cards). That's a tidy edge in your favor. This card is often a prelude to Potions Class Disaster or a follow-up to Charms Exam. If you can survive long enough to use this, I think you'll like what it does.

Rating: 3.5


3 damage to creature/opponent and 3 cards from there hand. Now, whats bad about that? One requries 9 Charm lessons. But, with Wand Shop, this is now very easily reachable. This is defiantly an upgraded Vermillious. With an added bonus! The 3 to the hand can be VERY annoying, and play two of these in one turn, and follow with Potions Class Disaster the next turn, you have yourself a very lethal combination. This will also kill creatures like Vicious Wolf and Cunning Fox, so that makes it even better!

Rating: 3.5


I like the idea of a card being a glorified Stream of Flames. It is costly without a doubt, but it is nice to take three cards from their hand in a game where people tend to stock cards for combos. The fact that you can use it on either creatures or deck is nice too. Keep this in mind. If you are playing heavy spells, play smart by knowing when it is the right move to increase your lessons to get to them. Many people spend turn after turn just building for their biggest hitting spell, and do not realize that in some games you just may not get to play them. Protect yourself from being dependent on big spells; balance your spell decks. Use them wisely!

Rating: 3.5


Today lets take a look at Titillando, and no we're not talking about your mom's latin lover. So onto the card. Lets take a look at its pros, 3 damage to your opponent or a creature, and your opponent has to discard three cards. Now the cons, you get 3 damage for and 3 discards for 9C. With out of control you get 6 damage and 4 discards for 10Q. Now normally you don't compare cards straight up, but if you're playing quidditch and charms in the same deck its obvious which card is more powerful, but if you're playing the obliviate/PCD combo, this card is for you. You just obliviated your opponents hand, made them discard 5 cards from play and they are sitting there w/ there lonely starter. Most likely they'll draw 3 cards and pass it back to you. Well here comes Titillando and those 3 cards are gone along with 3 damage, and they are right back where they were before. This can be SO frustrating, trust me I know from experience. So if you want to frustrate your opponent include this card in your deck and watch them tryto get cards back in their hand and play after that PCD/Obliviate combo.

Rating: 3.25


For the longest time i could not figure out how to say this card! And i can't find it in my dictionary either! what the heck is a titillando anyways?????? This card is well worth the nine power you need to play it. It can target a creature or an opponent and three discarded cards is just funkdillyicious.... hah! try to find that in a dictionary! A great control card which can be brutal late game, but perhaps a lesser used card in that it only does 3 damage. Pretty much, If you are going for hand control, this should be in your deck. If you are just going for pure damage, Verdillious and Stupefy do 5 and Verdillious can hit a critter too. I really like Titillando and think it could be used in more decks than perhaps it is today, but there are so many options out there that perhaps people forget about this rarely played rare from the base set.

Rating: 4


A good card but not to use in every situation. It's greatest use is in a pure hand control deck. Lets say a couple of Ouch! to precede this card is very good. They take out the useless cards and when Titilando hits the table, your opponent will most likely have to discard 2 or 3 important cards. The damage part of the is pretty ignorable since you will have much more damaging spells at this power.

Rating: 3.5

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