Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
Wizard Chess - Chamber of Secrets

Wizard Chess |
Power Needed:
6 Transfiguration |
Card Type:
Item |
You may use an Action and discard 1 of your Lessons from play to do 2 damage to your opponent.
Card No:
55 |
Rare/Foil |
Chamber of Secrets |
Average Rating: 1.80
(based on 5 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

It takes an action to draw this card and another to play it. To use it, you must use an
action, and also discard your lesson in play. That lesson was worth two actions itself,
as it took one to draw and another to play. Thus, the first use of this item costs a total
of five actions, and each succeeding use only requires a "bargain" three actions. Great
deal, huh? OK. So what are we getting for this sizable investment? Let's see...... Two
damage to our opponent. Is this a misprint? Just two damage? That is unspeakably
bad! I wouldn't consider this card playable if it dealt three damage, with an option of
directing it towards a creature. I am devoutly relieved that neither of the two boxes of
Chamber of Secrets packs I ordered contained this sorry excuse for a card.
Rating: Rating: 1 (should be lower) |

This card has one really good use. It combos beautifully with the
Philosopher’s Stone. You just pack your deck with denial Ollivanders and 2
or 3 of these guys and you are on your way to an almost infinite cycle
of healing and damage pretty cool huh (props to Snuffles for showing me
this far-out trick). Outside of that combo it has little use unless
you chose to play an all lessons deck but even then four damage a turn
won’t really help you.
Rating: 2 |

Alright, I know what you're thinking this card blows chunks. But what
about 4 of these in your deck, maybe 4 Vault Keys, Hermoine as your
starter, 4 Human Chess Games and that leaves 48 Lessons. Get your power
up as fast as you can, slap down the Human Chess Game, and then watch
your opponent not be able to play anything while you discard lessons to
do damage. Sounds like a nice little lockdown to me. Of course this
could totally backfire and not even work at all. I mean this item isn't
that good, I'm just trying to suggest a way to use it, don't blame the
messenger if it doesn't work though.
Rating: 2 |

Transfiguration never has had the best damage dealing cards, and certainly isn't
going to start with this. Most decks won't splash Trans for it's history of heavy
damage, so if you need cards that are going to damage your opponent, please, don't
play mono-Trans and never end up trying the wonderful world of splashing. :)
Rating: 1.4 |

Well they finally did it! They made a Transfiguration card that does a
decent amount of damage. Of course if you are playing anything other than
straight Transfiguration, you will find better options than 2 damage for one
lesson. However if you have one of those crazy decks that gets a lot of
lessons out fast, but only needs so many, this might be a good option if you
don't have any damage in your hand. The first deck i built when COS came
out was this crazy deck where i used Arthur Weasley with the Philosopher's
Stone. Then i'd get all my lessons back and start killing my opponent off
with them lol. This is definitely one of those cards that goes in the weird
decks. You won't find any mainstream decks that say you must have four of
these in order to win, but i can bet you will find a few decks that
have one or two just in case.
Rating: 2.6 |