Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
No Time to Play - Quidditch Cup

No Time to Play |
Power Needed:
4 Transfiguration |
Card Type:
Spell |
Discard all Matches and Items that need Quidditch Power from play (even your own). (If a match is discarded, no-one gets the prize).
Card No:
17 |
Rare/Foil |
Quidditch Cup |
Average Rating: 1.45
(based on 4 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

How often have you faced quidditch items and matches that have been a
serious threat? Recently, that is. OK, maybe Nimbus 2000. Anything else?
I thought not. People first experimented with matches when quidditch came
into the Harry Potter card game. But after a few trials, most players were
seen to subsequently abandon those fruitless endeavors. New quidditch
items and matches keep coming out, and eventually a solid design may get
developed that relies on either of the two. Until that day comes, however,
there is no point in putting a card into your deck that can only deal with a
threat that you don't expect to face. Doing so would just dilute your deck
with useless cards. Instead, try to install cards that can represent a solution
for a wide range of cards that might hurt you. Transfiguration has ample
alternatives, such as Picking on Neville, Diffindo, or Scribblifors.
Rating: 1.5 |

There aren’t that many reasons to play this card. It falls under the
category of limited usage and as I keep saying cards with limited usage
aren’t worth playing and this one is even more dismal than normal.
Matches are hardly ever played and you can only have one broom in play at
a time, so this card has no point whatsoever unless you catch them
playing a match deck and they have four bludgers out and a match. Play
Lost Notes or Picking on Neville before you play this card because well
this card is pretty pointless.
Rating: 1 |

This card is very cheap at 4T and can cause the removal of all
Quidditch Items and Matches from play. So what this amounts to
is that if your opponent is playing quidditch and has a broom and
some books and some bludgers and maybe a match out, you're going to
seriously wipe them out. However, if your opponent isn't playing
quidditch, or is only playing quidditch in junction with other colors
then this card is probably not going to do much for you. If you're
only worried about brooms, Lost Notes can take care of those. All in
all I don't believe enough people use quidditch to incorporate this into
every deck, however if you keep losing to people playing quidditch, then
the inclusion of this card will not be all bad.
Rating: 2.3 |

Well lets take a close look at this one.... Most Quidditch cards are
spells. The only ones that are not are matches and items. So if you are
playing transfiguration, you have like a whole bunch of other choices to
choose from. Namely, Table Trouble. This would clear all the items on the
board reguardless of color. And you can always go for good old PON,
Diffindo, etc. If those matches are a bother. Not too many people play
matches nowadays which is kinda sad. Anywho, this card is extremely limited
because it simply won't affect most Quidditch Decks at all. Now if it got
rid of the Quidditch lessons too it might be worth considering, but even
then most people play Madam Hooch. For once, and I am sorry to admit it,
but I'd have to say that this card is just plain bad.
Rating: 1 |