A reprint of the old Boil Cure. Seeing this card return with a new name makes me want to find the
card designers and slap them silly. Boil Cure never saw much action even in this game's infancy,
when many kids were wandering around with totally clueless decks. If it wasn't playable back
then, it most certainly isn't now. Although it is one of only two potion healing spells in the set, this
is so bad that it likely won't even be frequently run in a Chamber of Secrets block competition. Do
yourself a favor and don't waste your time with a spell with such a piddling effect.
Rating: 1.5 |

No Review Today

Not a big fan of the weak heal cards (namely those under five cards to
library) and you can’t even shuffle them into your library all you can
do is sit there on the bottom of where library where they are of little
use. Play Bruisewort Balm it is mucho better then this card.
Rating: 1.2 |

Well Healing can be nice, but why would you use this card? Well maybe you
want healing without discarding. Then this card would work. Maybe you know
you have other healing cards that shuffle your deck so the bottom isn't a
problem. But if you're just going to be using alot of healing cards like
Bruisewort Balm and maybe Butterfly Weed then this card isn't going to turn
the tide that much. This is just another one of those cards where its nice,
but you can do better.
Rating: 2 |

For those that still use Boil Cure. It ain't the greatest, but doesn't require
Potion "lessons" which makes it splashable with Snape. Other than that, pure potions
decks don't even give this type of fella a second glance.
Rating: 2 |

Ever seen that movie total recall where that big muscly dude keeps thinking
hes somebody else but hes really himself?? I bet that guy drank a lot of
pepper up potions cuz I totally think this is a boil cure in desguise only
it doesn't know it..... look! A costume just in time for halloween! This
has got to be one of the weakest healing cards ever. Sorry, but it just
doesn't cut it. At least with pomfrey's pick me up you get to draw a card.
Rating: 1 |