Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
Frog-Spawn - Diagon Alley

Frog-Spawn |
Power Needed:
2 CoMC |
Card Type:
Spell |
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all damage
done to your creatures.
Card No:
39 |
Uncommon |
Diagon Alley |
Average Rating: 1.93
(based on 6 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

It's fun to plop down an early Marble
Gargoyle and ride it to victory. It's not so fun when your opponent
responds on their turn with a timely Stream of Flames or Bewitched
Snowballs to give your guy a quick exit. If you have a horde of
little critters chipping away at your nemesis, the last thing you'll
want to see them play is a Fumos to clean you out of attackers.
This card takes care of that. For a turn. After that, they are free
to dispatch your furry friends with reckless abandon. Of course,
if their creature elimination is the transfiguration type (Take
Root, etc), then this card offers no protection at all. And if your
opponent isn't playing with any sort of creature elimination, this
is a dead card in your hand. To sum up, in the worst case, this
has no value at all, and in the best case, it only delays the inevitable
by a turn. Hmmmm..... That's not so good. If you really want to
protect your creatures, I suggest a card that stops all spells,
such as Through the Arch, as most of the efficient creature elimination
cards are spells.
Rating: 1 |

Many people thinks this card stops
any damage done to you by creatures, but theyre wrong. Thats
only Wingardium Levoisa! so far. This card stops any damage done
to your creatures. That means that their health amount cant
be lowered. So, this protects you from Stream of Flames, but not
Picking on Neville
Picking on Neville is more popular, so I
dont think Frog-Spawn is that good. If you use it against
a Flitwick/CoMC deck though, this card will save you. Your creatures
stay out one more turn, so you are immune to any damage from your
opponent. :D
Rating: 3 |

It took me awhile to find something
positive to say about this card. After many minutes of deep thought
I came up with nothing. Preventing damage to creatures isn't that
big of a deal because they can just use a transfiguration card to
remove it from play no damage required. Unless some really good
adventure comes out that deals damage to creatures and will wipe
your deck off the map still don't play this card. If you decide
you want to play this card I would recommend that you need to check
to see if you are delirious and then add Potions to your deck and
play Jawbind Potion.
Rating: 1 (if the scale went lower the score would) |

Believe or not, Frog Spawn makes a
lovely hair moisturizer then can revitalize your hair and prevent
split ends. Just a home remedy that I stole I mean heard about somewhere.
So what can Frog-Spawn the card do for you? Well it depends on what
you keep running up against. Do you find yourself playing creatures
and then having your opponent whip out stream of flames and then
doxy. Worried your Green Dragon will eat the dirt before the next
turn, then this might help you out. Granted it doesn't prevent denial
like Incarcifors, Transfiguration Exam, and those types of things,
but most people are using charms to rid themselves of creatures,
and having a few of these, might stall enough for your creatures
to do some damage. Its not that reassuring, but you never know when
it might help out. Just a thought.
Rating: 2.5 |

If creature damage prevention is your
bag, then this card is for you. But let's face it, preventing any
spell card from being played is a much better choice. Yes this will
prevent the damage you get from a Doxy, but forget all that. Just
either prevent spell cards or just avoid this worry all together
by ignoring this part of the defensive strategy. Heck, I would rather
just add more creatures myself.
Rating: 1.5 |

Well i definitely prefer a jawbind
potion or a Through The Arch to this card any day of the week. In
general, adventures are more effective than a one shot spell. Plus,
this does not stop your opponent from playing incarcifors or diffindo
or the like. However if you want to protect your creatures and you
don't want to use the two actions for adventures and you aren't
running potions, this isn't a bad option. Personally, however i
would just rather add another creature.
Rating: 2.6 |
A good defensive card for any creature
deck players, but the fact that it is a comc means that its appeal
will be limited. 99% of people that run Care of Magical Creatures
lessons use creatures. This means that they will be unlikely to
want to spend an action on defence when they can lay down a creature
or play an attacking spell like steelclaw or dog bite. Similar to
the Riding the Centaur adventure, this card can be very annoying
to your opponents, especially in the later game when they are preparing
to use the dreaded Steelclaw!
Normally I wouldn't recommend this card, but if you are running
comc and have some room in your deck, consider this card as option.
It is a common card so finding many of them shouldn't be too hard.
Rating: 2.5 (Guest Reviewer's ratings are not added into the average.) |