Pojo's Harry Potter Card of the Day
Steelclaw - Base

Steelclaw |
Power Needed:
4 Transfiguration |
Card Type:
Spell |
All your creatures do damage to your opponent. |
Card No:
106 |
Common |
Base |
Average Rating: 5.00
(based on 6 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

*SHUDDER!* The dread bunny. It seems
unfair that the traditionally weakest damage dealing color in the
game, transfiguration, should have the nastiest spell that causes
damage. But it does. And this is it. You only need 4 lessons to
play it, and this spell slips by a Kelpie or Pet Toad defense with
ease. When I originally started to build decks for this game, I
recognized the value of getting out a swarm of efficient creatures
and beating down with them every turn. I saw that this card would
speed up the process, and scrounged up four copies to put into the
first HP deck design I ever made. I gave this deck to my younger
son and watched his games. He'd get a few creatures out. Some would
get nuked, but he'd lay down a few more. By mid-game, he would have
around 5 or 6 in play. He'd announce the 13 or 14 points of creature
damage, pause to glance at the remaining cards in his opponent's
library, and then do a double Steelclaws for a sudden win. This
happened with such obnoxious frequency that I felt compelled to
name the deck "Steelclaws-Steelclaws-You-Lose". The deck
has gone through numerous iterations since then, but the four Steelclaws
remain in place, and the design continues to be a major threat at
all local tourneys. So far, the record is "only" 57 points
of damage in one turn, but I'm sure you can top that with a slightly
different mix of creatures, and enough patience. Beware of the Hare!
Rating: 5 |

Steelclaw is br0ken. This card is
the staple card in almost every creature deck. And, its a
Base Set common! There are rare cards that are pathetic compared
to Claw. Use Hannah Abbott to grab 2 of these, and you can
get past 60 damage in one turn
easily. Like Halloween Feast,
there isnt much to say about this card, other than it rocks.
Rating: 10 (:P)...........ok 5 |

What can I say about this card except
is one of the best cards EVER!!! This card is in almost all of my
creature decks. If you play transfiguration and Care of Magical
Creatures you play this card no if's and's or but's about. It Rules
period. My personal favorite strategy is to hold two in your hand
and then lay both down to do twenty-five or so damage and win the
game when they still think they are safe or you can sneak some damage
in if they are killing your creatures fast as you can lay them down.
Play this card and play it often it will save you many a game trust
me on this one.
Rating: 5 |

Beware of the crazed Easter Bunny!
Who started breeding these bunnies anyways? It had to be that Newt
Scamander guy, he's always up to no good creature good. Then again
maybe it was Hagrid! We'll probably never know. But what I do know
is that this card is probably the most broken card in the game.
This card cost 4 power and it has the potential to do unlimited
damage. Image having 2 Marble gargoyles out and 2 Hebridean Dragons
out and your opponent has no creatures out. You lay two of these,
you just did 24 x 3 damage this turn. Thats 72 damage, your opponent
is toast. This card can easily save any game and reverse the fortunes
of any game, this card rules! Probably the best card in the game,
except for when they finally make a Professor Lockhart card *smiles*
Rating: 5 |

Like I need to tell you about the
best card in Harry Potter. I mean this card is the reason that creature
decks are so popular. Yes, creatures keep doing damage, but if this
card wasn't in the game, Charms/CoMC would be more popular and there
would be fewer Trans/CoMC decks for sure. There is nothing to say
about this card except, "Hare today; gone NEVER!" Before
seeing the other ratings, it is easy to predict this will be a sweeping
rated card at 5!
Rating: 5 |

This card has been powerful from the
start. It simply has never gone out of style. It's like the Madonna
of Harry Potter. SteelClaw wins games folks, it is as simple as
Rating: 5 |
At last, the almighty steelclaw, backbone
of any good creature deck. This card has broken written all over
it! I mean come on! Only costs 4, allows multiple creature damage,
and it is common. One of the best cards to come from the first set,
this card is usually the match winner in most games involving at
least one creature player. One of the sweetest combo's to pull off
is the double steelclaw with any decent amount of creatures on the
table. There are no flaws to this card, and it even evades the spell
damage cards like Potions Ingredients. Every creature deck should
have 4 of these things in it.
There aren't too many cards that are worth 5/5 but this one definitely
earns it!
Rating: 5 (Guest Reviewer's ratings are not added into the average.) |