Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

The first Green Goblin WK has put out, and get this,
it ain't your daddy's Green Goblin! This particular version is the "Ultimate
Green Goblin" as seen in the
pages of Ultimate Spider-Man. I don't read the Ultimate line of comics simply
because I remember the original Marvel Universe, and I like it, and I'm not
willing to restart learning continuity now. Though I wished I'd bought Ultimate
Spiderman #1 three years ago...
Anyway...Ultimate Green Goblin is apparently still Norman Osborne, but instead
of dressing in a spandex costume, he actually morphed into a Goblin type
creature. UGG (which is what I'm going to call him) starts with a speed of 10,
and unlike his Marvel Universe doppelganger Hobgoblin, he doesn't have a glider
rocket to fly with. A measly 9 attack to start is augmented by Super Strength
for 2 clicks and then energy explosion for 3. He does have one ranged attack
with a range of 6 as well. Starting damage of 2 is excellent, AND UGG has
Perplex for a couple of clicks. Very nice. A starting defense of 16 is
fantastic, and he gets a full dial of Willpower, which means UGG takes no push
A point value of 62 will keep UGG on a lot of teams, but since he's a unique he
won't be in a lot collector's cases. Currently he's trading for between $10 and
$20 on Ebay. I don't think they'll end up going higher, unless Ultimate
Spider-Man gets a higher profile. Interesting experiment for WizKids. It
makes me think that they may just stray from the mainstream Marvel Universe a
little more in the future. One can only hope.
Collectability 3.5 out of 5
Playability 4 out of 5 |
Ironman1110 |
Green Goblin
This guy, although he may not look like the green goblin many know, is
pretty darn good. Why? The two main reasons is that he has three clicks of
one of the best powers in the game, Perplex, and he also sports the awesome
Willpower for his ENTIRE dial! Add in some Super Strenght and Energy
Explosion on a flyer for only 62 points, and you have a taxi that can carry
far, move twice in a row, add on extra attack or damage AND attack himself!
Not too shabby!
200- Games: 3/5
300+ Games: 4/5
Sealed Box: 4.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3.75/5
Cheers True Believers! |
