Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Here's my review of Elektra Unique
I guess WK has to have at least one Elektra in each edition, because this makes
the 4th different one. The first three were the REV version in IC, the Unique
in IC, and the REV (with glaive) in CT. Now we get "Elektra Assassin" based on
the version of Elektra as seen in the fantastic 80's Frank Miller Mini-series of
the same name.
This Elektra is loaded for bear, but at 160 points, she's awfully expensive. She
starts with an 8 speed, which isn't all that wonderful, but she also gets
Stealth for two clicks. After that she gets Mind Control for three, so that kind
of makes up for it. A whomping 12 Attack value to start with FIVE clicks of
claws/blades/fangs (to represent Ninja weapons I guess). She also has two six
range attacks. NICE, very nice. Damage of two with Perplex for the entire dial.
Perplex is the best of the new powers, and everyone seems to be looking to tap
into that power base. Finally she's incredibly hard to hit at 16 defense to
start, with Super-senses the whole dial.
She's got a decent 8 click health too. For 160 points, she seems to be worth it.
The obvious lack of a team bonus hurts though. I'd try her in 300+ games only,
again one character that expensive cannot make a team good.
Expensive points wise isn't translating to expensive collecting wise. Right now
Elektra Assassin is selling for between $10 and $20 on Ebay, with the more
expensive lots not being taken. It's probably because this is her second unique.
I guess next set she'll be in her white costume.
My rating:
Playability 4 out of 5
Collectability 3 out of 5
Ironman1110 |
Now this girl can kick some serious butt! Super Senses and Perplex
throughout he ENTIRE dial! That is awesome. Plus, she has lots of
Blades/Claws/Fangs, a bit of stealth and, get this, MIND CONTROL! 12
starting attack? She rules. But be warned: she is not easy to play as she is
a whooping 160 points.
200- Games: 1.75/5
300+ Games: 3.75/5
Sealed Box: 4.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3.25/5
