Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

If when you think of Wonder Woman you think of Lynda
Carter and bad music, then you obviously haven't been reading comics lately,
and shame on you. Shortly after DC revamped Batman and Superman in the wake
of Crisis on Infinite Earths, they took on Wonder Woman, turning the reins
over to George Perez, who had a LONG run as plotter and artist, and
eventually scripter, that completely redefined Diana as one of DC's
If you don't know the origin by now, again, shame on you. On a beautiful
paradise island (originally called Paradise Island, but now known as
Themyscria, Queen Hyppolita of the Amazons decided she wanted a daughter,
and created one out of clay, breathed life into her, and thus Diana was
born. Living completely apart from men, Diana grew to be a powerful warrior
princess, and finally decided it was time to leave. She stands as ambassador
to the United Nations from the Island of Themyscria and is a founding member
of he Justice League. (Side note, she was originally a member of the Justice
Society in the Golden Age, but that has been retconned to be her MOTHER as
Wonder Woman, who still occasionally joins the JSA on adventures!)
You may have known all that, but did you know that WW was created by a
psychologist? Think about it, all the trappings of WW have roots in
psychology, especially the "Lasso of Truth"! She made her debut just prior
to Pearl Harbor, and has been a fixture at DC ever since. In fact, except
for the year right after Crisis, Wonder Woman has been in publication
continuously since 1952, a feat that only Batman and Superman can match! Her
own series is nearing it's 200th issue, and she appears in JLA regularly.
She also gets some specials each year (notably, a hardcover graphic novel
that I haven't read, but want to called "The Hiketa"). She's also currently
appearing in Trinity, a three issue series written and drawn by Matt Wagner
(who is my favorite comics creator), and is about the first meeting of DC's
holy three.
WK decided not to include WW in their first DC set, a huge mistake as far as
I'm concerned. I guess they needed some heavy hitters for the second set,
but they really goofed by not include one of their "Big Three".
Enough intro, let's look at her figure. First, she's a whopping 126 points,
but really, that's not so bad for a flyer with her TEN clicks of health. Her
starting dials are 10 Speed, 11 Attack, 17 Defense and
3 Damage, and she gets Charge, Super Strength, Incapacitate, Impervious,
Toughness, Willpower and is a Close Combat Expert. Basically a one woman
army. She's the lynchpin of any team, and strong enough to win 200 point
At least by waiting to produce Diana, WK put some nice effort into her
sculpt, it looks just like a George Perez piece come to life.
Cosmic Justice rares (and they're only a handful of
them) are HOT, HOT, HOT according to various sources.
WW is the hottest of the lot, selling for as much as
$11 recently. Your mileage may vary.
My Ratings:
Playability 4.5 of 5
Collectability 4 of 5 |
DJ Kunai |
My history with Wonder Woman is quite bleak: don't know,
don't care.
She apparently falls as the original "Superwoman," boasting most of
Superman's powers in a feminine body. So let's see its truth.
Charge, Super Strength, Impervious, and CCX. Hmm.... that is VERY similar to
a certain son of Darkseid... but for costing hundreds of points less, she
can get ripped easily.
She loses Charge and Impervious within two clix, dropping right to
Toughness. She then tries to do all she can with Super Strength, but without
Charge and Impervious, her Close Combat Expert isn't very compelling. She
has no range unless she grabs and object and throws it, and her last three
clix give you Incapacitate, as against Invulnerability/Impervious, her hit
for 2 isn't great.
200- 3.5 (Outwit, anyone?)
300- 3.5 (she's still just a titanium taxi)
400- 4.0 (she's found her calling)
-DJ Kunai |
Webbing |
For 126 points, Wonder Woman lives up to her name!
Flight, Charge, Super Strength, Impervious (with a 17 defense!), and CCE
make Wonder Woman someone to tremble at when seen. Use her often. Here's the
1110 |
Wonder Woman:
WW is an outstanding piece. Truly, she can stand on he own two feet and dish
out the damage. Charge, Super Strength, Impervious/Toughness and a BUNCH of
CCE makes her a powerful piece. JLA team ability makes he movement free, and
the Veteran version, one of the best figs perhaps ever, comes in at only 120
points! I can't rave enough about this awesome piece!
200- Games: 2.75/5
300+ Games: 4.5/5
Sealed Box: 5/5
The Bottom Line: 4/5
Ed Po |
Wonder Woman is a close combat heavy hitter. She has a
movement of 10 with
charge, you could taxi a figure while using charge, great combo. Her attack
starts off at 11 and doesn't go below 7. She has 7 clix of super strength
then gains incapacitate at an ok attack of 8. Her defense stands high at 17
for 2 clix, with impervious. After 2 clix she loses impervious and gains
toughness. After another 3 clix she gains will power, but her attack is a
little low. It will be hard to take out Wonder Woman with all her high
defense, impervious, and 9 clix of health! I think Wonder Woman should have
energy sheild/deflection for her last 2 clix to represent her barcelts.
Wonder Woman has CCE for 6 clix with a damage of 3 for 3 clix. Her damage
never goes below 2. All these powers make Wonder Woman the perfect close
combat heavy hitter. Her cost isn't so bad either, 126.
Wonder Woman is a level 5 rarity, rare. I don't know what people are
thinking on ebay, buy it nows are ranging from $4.70-$14.99! Who's going to
buy a Vet Wonder Woman for $15 + shipping?! I could buy her whole set for
less than that. I'd try my luck with the auctions for Wonder Woman, there
starting as low as $.99.
Her sculpt is like Saturn Girl's, the peg is on her foot and she's charging
at you. Guess it's a new that were going to see on up coming flying figures.
Her suit is a classic, it even has here lasso haging from her waist.
Playabilty: 4/5
Collectability: 3.75/5
Sculpt: 4/5 |