Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Marc Spector was a Jewish soldier of fortune who died on an adventure in the
Egyptian pyramids. He was revived by the Egyptian god Khonshu, and donned a
white cloth and became Moonknight. Yeah, he's a Batman clone, though he's
actually quite interesting.
His origin and powers have been modified quite a bit over the years, and he
just can't seem to sustain a comic book title.
Cost: 34. Health: 7. Range 4 Attacks: 1.
SSADD: 10/9/16/2
Powers: Stealth, Leap/Climb, Incapacate, Willpower.
Cheap stealth for one click, and willpower, but I just don't see him fitting
on many teams. No team ability will do that. I guess if you're a fan.
I've never felt MK had a great costume, and that goes double for the
Heroclix version. White on white just ain't that interesting. That, and he's
on a level 3 uncommon give this figure low marks.
My Ratings:
Playability 1 of 5
Collectability 1 of 5. |