Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Happy Holidays everyone. Just two reviews this week, but
they're an interesting selection. Up first, we have Alex O'Hirn, AKA
Ultimate Rhino. Now I'll be the first to admit that I know diddly and squat
about the Ultimate Universe, so his background is a mystery to me. According
to our friends over at Whoclix, he only appears in Ultimate Spider-man #28,
and Spidey doesn't even subdue him, Ultimate Iron Man does. Meh. In any
case, this Limited Edition is another one of the "alter egos" that WK is so
fond of doing.
Cost: 111. Ranged Attacks - None. Health - 9 Clicks.
SSADD: 10/10/14/4. Powers: Charge, Invulnerability, Toughness. Team - Anti-Spidey
4 Damage never hurts, but his limited powers don't make him all that
attractive. He's a brick wall with Charge, which is attractive, but I can
think of better, cheaper pieces. In fact, I think I might go with the
Experienced version over this one, since the stats are similar (CCE and a
start of 2 is equal to 4), and you get Super Strength too.
Since I'm not familiar with the comics version, I can't really have an
informed opinion about the sculpt. He's a hefty piece, that's for sure, and
the painting is nicely done. As far as collectability, he's an LE what more
do you need? Oh, OK he sells on Ebay for between $20 and $50, and he's
pretty darn rare actually.
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectability 4 of 5 |