Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Sauron -
Sauron is a were-pteranadon. Yes, he's a human being who turns into a
pteranadon and then becomes evil. Go figure. He soars over the Savage Land
on occasion, and has fought with the X-Men and along side the Brotherhood of
Evil Mutants. Go figure.
Basically, he's a BCF flyer, which is pretty nasty in of itself. He's fairly
cheap for what you get. He's obviously a flyer, and has a whopping 8 clicks
of health. He starts with 10 Speed, 11 Attack 16 Defense and 2 Damage. His
powers start with Charge, and also include Mind Control, B/C/F, Steal Energy
and Toughness. Not a great set of powers, but not too shabby either.
Sauron is a tough pull, and still fairly popular in the secondary market.
You can get him from $6.50 to $36, but some in the $20 range didn't sell.
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectability 3.5 of 5.
Next time - Some new Critical Mass figures! |
Spagnolia |
What's up. Hope
everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, I know I did ;). Anywho, Today's click is
Sauron, Unique, from Xplosion. Part of the large list of unknowns that make
Heroclix what it is, Sauron is pretty good. He costs 77 points, so he fits
well on any team. His starting stats are 10 movement, 11 attack, 16 defense,
and 2 damage, with Charge, B/C/F, and Toughness. Not bad at all for his
cost, and he also gets Mind Control(with a mediocre 4 range though) and
Steal Energy, a relatively rare ability. Combined with his 7 clicks of life,
Sauron will stay in the fight for some time.
Use him if you have him. Here's the score.
100: 3/5- Good here.
200: 4/5- Even better.
300: 4/5- See above.
300+: 5/5- A staple here. |