Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Here's Bullseye
In the film version of Daredevil the breakout star wasn't Elektra, it was
Bullseye. Colin Farrell captured the very essence of the man who can make
object deadly, so much so that I didn't even care that he didn't wear a
Bullseye is one of the few Infinity Challenge characters that I have yet to
pull from a booster or trade for, so I'm pretty anxious to actually get one
sooner or later. I'll look at his stats anyway, and I'm sure I'll be
thoroughly impressed.
First thing you should know about Bullseye is that he throws stuff with
deadly accuracy. Thusly he's got two ranged attacks with a range of 10. Of
course he
also has ranged combat expert for the first four clix, giving Bullseye the
ability to deal 3 clix of damage to two targets (or six to one) for four
turns of the dial. His attack isn't great though at 11, and his speed sucks
at 6. His defense is decent at 16 to start with energy shield/deflection for
the first two clicks.
All this in a package that costs just 43 points for the veteran version.
Where do I get my hands on one (or more) of these babies!
Bullseye is a REV, which, as always almost blows his collectability out the
door. His veteran version is a rare, but it still sells for under five bucks
usually. Now a unique version of Bullseye might do much better on the
secondary market, if created right. He should have a much higher attack and
better than just ranged combat expert and 1 damage.
My Ratings:
Playability 3.5 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5.
There, there's a normal review with none of the comedy I'm so desperately
trying to convince people is funny. |
Joel Lufgren |
Yo! Today we are continuein' my/ranged combat week with
Stats:(Vet version)
Team Affiliation:Sinister Syndicate
Range:10, 2 shots
Abilites:Energy Shield/Deflection, Ranged Combat Expert, Archnemisis
Stats: 6 spd, 11 atk, 16 def, 1 dmg (3 w/ RCE),
The Review:
^^ I just like this guy. Above average for his cost! Stat wise, hes next to
useless w/out powers or in close combat. But the idea (like all clix this
week) is to set up and take down! With a above average attack and the Team
Afilliation Ability this guy can straight up rock with some other buddy
covering him from behind. As an arch enemy he can rock the house, and own
Daredevil from afar. Other versions are sorta like cheap RCE or ES/D
(together at one point I believe).
The Verdict: Just above average for his abilities. Pair him up with someone
w/ Spidey or MOD Team (with high attack, of course) ability to really take
100: 3.5/5 He may be the bulk, but I think some SHIELD snipers and a medic
would be interesting...
200: 5/5 More room simply makes the extra special advantages more
300: 5/5 see above ^
300+: 5/5 Ditto ^
Sealed/Draft: 4/5 More or less based on his team.
Team Idea (198/200) (New!When I find a clix I really like I'll post a small
starter team idea for that clix):
Bullseye x2 (vet/86), SHIELD Sniper x 2(vet/32 ), AIM Medic x2 (Exp/34)
Black Cat (Exp/32), Vulture (Exp/20)
;) I let you figure the strat, but basically, Snipe,Snipe,Snipe (re-roll if
in trouble) |
Lo Pan |
Once again, theres no real point to playing him, so i too
will try to pad my review.
Well, bullseye is a person who dresses in a blue or black
suit, has white boots, and is known to carry two silver things that may
possibly be a gun and a knife. He also has a white holster on his belt. He
has a white mark on his head that i am guessing is a bullseye. If i had
ever read a daredevil comic before in my life or seen anything besides this
figure that related ot bullseye, i could give more information.
So he's cheap and has good range. If youd ever consider
using this guy, those would be the only reasons why. And i doubt that will
happen. This guy makes Cyclops look good.
Dont use him! If you do.....1.5
-Lo Pan |
Ironman 1110 |
Bullseye: In all honesty, Vetern
Bullseye is one of the better figs out there. He costs under 50 points, has
the sinister syndacate ability, RCE for a long time, Energy Sheild/Deflection
and a high starting 11 attack. VERY nice! I would play him, especially in
low point games. He does alot coupled with a Wasp or Vulture to carry him
around. Oh, by the way, he has an impresive 10 range, out-ranging the ever
powerful Firelord.
200- Games: 4/5
300+ Games: 4.25/5
Sealed Box: 5/5
The Bottom Line: 4.5/5 |