Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

(Scrubs, you gotta love 'em. Costs are low, and they
don't stick around too long, but hey, that's what filler is for.
So here we have the veteran SHIELD Sniper. At 18 points, well, he's a steal.
He gets RCE for four turns, (but he has an attack of 0 during those four
turns...which means he can't do close combat - but why would you want him
His other stats aren't exciting, whaddya expect, he's only 18 points! My
verdict, throw a couple, maybe three of these guys on your team and you'll
be in like
Seeing as he's a scrub, and his Veteran is an uncommon, you should be able
to get tons of SHIELD Snipers for cheap. There's a reason why the phrase is
"a dime a dozen." I don't know what that reason is...but there is one.
My ratings:
Playability 2 of 5
Collectability .5 of 5. I couldn't give him a zero, just because it's not
his fault.
Oh, and in a very snark letter I was informed that I don't know the rules
about ranged combat and multiple attacks...you know what...whoopeee...I made
a boo-boo...I don't get to play as much as I like...I'm here to tell you how
collectabile these things really are...that's my forte...that and elipssess...(the
three dots thing...)...move on and enjoy the reviews for what they are: free
Next week: Something else. |
Jester7 |
Ok today's click is Veteran Shield Sniper. Personally I
really like him! I
think he is a very respectable piece and with his cheap cost he can help
fill holes in your force.
Very cheap piece but also very good. For only 18 points you can have a very
decent ranged attacker. An attack of 9 and range of 10 able to do 2 damage
with Ranged Combat Expert for just 18 points! Not too shabby if ya ask me.
His other numbers aren't very exciting, but what more can one ask for from
such a cheap figure?
These guys can really work well for you by chipping away at your opponents
pieces from far away. And the Shield team ability can help your other long
range attackers do even more damage. I never underestimate this guy when I'm
facing him. Figures with Invulnerability and Impervious own him though!
200- Games: 5/5
300+ Games: 3/5
Sealed Box: 3/5 |
Shield Sniper: I really do like
this guy. He has a decent attack value, RCE at a long range, and the sheild
team ability. All for under 20 points! He is PERFICT for a low point
game. Have him, a Clay Quartermain and a sheild medic all together, and
you'll have a small group of figs your oponet will have to worry about, all
for around 50 points. It DOES work, try it out.
200- Games: 3.5/5
300+ Games: 3.75/5
Sealed Box: 3.75/5
The Bottom Line: 3.75/5 |
Lo Pan |
You fools and your cheap range clix....
Like anyone else this week, this sniper is just unnecessary.
Go ahead and use it if your bored of the team and strat your using now, but
otherwise just forget it. Oh sure, cheap range is dandy, but these guys
wont replace the team types getting the most play now, not as long as im
still alive.
I despise you bullseye lovers and this week. In fact,
maybe i just hate cheap range figures all together.
- negative 400.
I guess you could work some of these guys in with melee
fighters in maps with rooftops...fight melee between buildings and use
snipers to damage attackers and pick off ones tryign to run away, as well as
kill the support clix...
but i wont.
-2.0 |