Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Doctor Stephen Strange was a brilliant though arrogant
surgeon who had his hands ruined in an accident. Turning to the mystical
arts, he trained for years to become the Sorcerer Supreme in the Marvel
Created in 1963 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko for Strange Tales #110, he has
been a fixture in the Marvel U ever since. He's been featured in no less
than FIVE ongoing monthly titles, though none of them have ever had
gang-buster sales. Marvel renamed Strange Tales for Dr. Strange with #169,
and it continued to run until #189. He got his own, full fledged #1 in 1974,
and that title ran for 81 issues. A second "Dr. Strange" title ran for 90
issues starting in 1988. Recently though, the "Master of the Mystic Arts"
has fallen on hard times. He's only made sporadic appearances since a Marvel
Knights four issue mini-series in 1999. Rumors of a new series for Dr.
Strange abound, but there's nothing firm quite yet.
Stephen Strange appears in the first Marvel Heroclix set, infinity
challenge, complete with his own Unique nemesis Nightmare. The veteran
version costs 87 points, which is a tad high, but acceptable. His powers
include RCE for the first click only, Enhancement, Support and Probability
Control (and that's just on his damage stats). For damage he gets Energy
Shield and Deflection with a starting value of 17! His attack value is 11
which is nothing to write home about, but he gets Incapacitate, Telekinesis,
Pulse Wave and Incapacitate again. Oh, and he's a flyer with phasing for
most of the movement dial. Eight full clicks of health mean Stephen will be
around a long, long time.
This is a great grab-bag character, with flight and all those powers, I'd
definitely build a team around Dr. Strange. He's inexpensive enough not to
break the bank, and powerful enough to change the tide of a game
by himself.
Collectability wise, the Veteran Dr. Strange is a level 5 Rare, which means
he won't sell for more than five bucks. Sculpt wise, they got him down good.
The cape is fantastic and reminds me of the DC Direct figures from a couple
of years ago that could "float" on their capes (I think Specter was the one
I was thinking of).
Dr. Strange has some die-hard fans out there, and that's pretty cool for a
character that has had a difficult time sustaining his own title. Also, Dr.
Strange has never had a defining story-arc that a neophyte should read,
unlike most iconic characters. I personally picked up the Marvel
Knights series, and was extremely disappointed.
My Ratings:
Playability 4 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5.
Joel Lufgren |
Yo, today is a bit of an odd and short review of Dr
I'm not going to bother givin' the stats because I am both tired and
extremely lazy right now =P
heres a link thingie to the Vet version though: http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/marvel/figuregallery.asp?unitid=2083
The Review:
Alrighty...straight up he good, but too inconsistent for me. If he takes a
whack to the head, he ends up forgetting whatever spell he was doing and
to start another. -.-
Being a bit rude am I? I think not, mainly because that is how I veiw this
figure. Sure many people love to play this guy in casual, heck even in some
tourneys..but that neither sways nor turns my opinion.
His stats are pretty decent. Nothing more, Nothing less.
As for a total overview of his abilities...He mostly has a mix of the best
and worst. Nothing in between.
Phasing. Check. Probability Control. Check. Support?! What?! Pulse Wave?!
Where the heck did Enhancement come from?!
See my point..? He has like 5 other abilities too o.o! Okay, he has total of
10, but thats just the point..they could have just made a unique or
something with whatever abilities they thought the REV version needed
of rolling them all into one.
Whatever the matter. Play him if you like him. IF You like losing because of
inconsistent figure..thats your choice. I'd take Hulk-Formula figures with
more consistancy than this -.-!
Then again, the constant ability switching could put a thorn in your'
opponent's side too o_o!
The Verdict: Despite what I said up there this is actualyl a decent clix.
You will be at your medic's or your opponent's figures to get him on the
click you want though. Or a push away...whatever -.-
100: 2.5/5 Have we learned nothing?!
200: 3.5/5 Okay maybe he could be playable here...
300: 4/5 Sure why not?
300+: ?/5 Let your imagination guide you.
Sealed/Draft: ?/5 too many factors! It's making my brain itch! I'd guess a
Tournament: 4/5 I've seen SOME people place well with this guy...
(warning for those who may take offense at this next comment turn away now):
He has a PINK dial..honestly now -.-! What kinda male clix/figure has a PINK
dial...I'll tell you what kind..