Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Professor Charles Xavier, brilliant scientist and
telepath extraordinaire, founded the Xavier School for Gifted Youths in
Westchester, New York in order to identify and help young mutants world
wide. The now infamous school is also home to the Uncanny X-Men, and
offshoot of the school. The original class, Scott Summers, Bobby Drake, Hank
McCoy, Warren Worthington III and Jean Grey (Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, Angel
and Marvel Girl) all graduated with honors and had many
adventures, saving the world and humans multiple times. Now Xavier teaches
younger mutants in how to handle their powers, and he still leads the X-Men
in further uncertain times. Recently in the New X-Men Xavier has regained
the ability to walk (with an assist from the mutant healer Xorn - can't wait
for a Heroclix of the man with the star for a head).
There are four versions of Professor Xavier in the Infinity Challenge set,
an REV and Unique. The Veteran Version costs 83 points, and really isn't a
combat type character. He has a damage of 0, which means he ain't gonna hop
out of that wheelchair and land a haymaker on Magneto. Rather, he's got some
nifty telepathic abilities, which include Mind-Control, Defend and
Incapacitate. He also has a ranged attack of 5 (useful for the Mind-Control)
and Leadership for the whole dial. Seven clicks of health mean Charles will
be around for quite a while, especially if he doesn't come into close
combat, where he's not defenseless, but he is weak.
I'm not sure that I would use this Prof. X in a game situation, especially
when the Unique Xavier (in a hover-chair) only costs 9 points more, and has
better stats.
The REV Version of Xavier is slightly more desirable than your standard REV,
since he is a Level 5 rare, and he is the leader of the X-Men. The sculpt is
passable, BUT, the wheelchair makes it extremely difficult to read some of
his stats on the dial, though the unique version with the hover-chair is
even harder to read.
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5
Next week - Hmm....something else... |
Scott Klep |
Veteran Xavier- Mind Control can
be absolutely devastating. I think all Clix player know this- and Xavier
can certainly MC with the best of them. For 83 points Xavier can really
mess thing up. Case in point- I was in a 500 X-men v Avengers game and I had
Xavier getting V Thor and V IronMan trading punches and pushing. Sure it was
a clix of damage to MC them- but they were doing much worse to each other. A
clix that can considerably weaken almost 400 points worth of characters is
something that is rare in a clix and un-heard-of for under 100 points! He
usually doesn't last through the game- but can be a huge factor in getting a
win. I hear alot of undermining 11 attacks- but considering they peak at 14
(ok- 15 with Thanos) - an 11 attack is something to be feared- Oh yeah- he
has a ten range! Low defense is only thing that hurts this guy.
Rating: 4.5/5 |