Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

If we have to have a Wolverine and Spider-Man derivative
in every Marvel Comics set, then it would stand to reason that we have to
have a Superman and Batman derivative in every DC Comics set. That's called
logic. While over at Marvel we've gotten a Regular Spider-man, Black Costume
Spider-Man, Six-Armed Spider-Man, and Ultimate Spider-Man, as well as
Wolverine, "Bezerker" Wolverine, "Stealth"
Wolverin, Logan (Wolverine in Civvies) and Weapon X, all of which appeared
in regular Marvel Universe COmics (except for the Ultimate Spidey) our DC
Parts are mostly based in the Elsewords sets of Books. Check it out, we've
gotten Regular Batman, Batman with Kryptonite Gauntlets (from Dark Knight),
Batman, and now Superman, Son of Darkseid from Superman: The Dark Side
Elseworlds series. (As an aside,I realize that the other three Superman
REV Supes, Black Costume Supes, and OWAW Supes are all from the current DC
Comics Universe, it's just semantics after-all).
Now, don't get me wrong, that's not a BAD thing, since Superman and Batman
don't really change a whole lot from their Regular Versions, though I guess
you could conceivably do a thousand different versions of Bats, what with
different Bat Costumes and such (anyone remember Cold Climate Batman?), just
like Kenner and Hasbro used to do with their action figures. But I rather
like the idea of using Elseworlds characters, since they're so far from what
we're used to seeing.
I'd love to see a whole set of figures from the two JSA Elseworlds Series by
Dan Jolly and Tony Harris (I can't remember the name of the first one, but
second one just came out, and is "The Unholy Three" I think.)
Anywho, this is Kal-El if he landed on Apokalips instead of Earth. He's a
nasty little punk, who has most of the regular Superman's abilities, and
none of the namby pamby Boy-Scout charm that our Clark Kent has in
overabundance. There are some big differences though, so pay attention.
Difference Number 1 - He doesn't have heat vision, at least he doesn't USE
it in the comic, and therefore he doesn't have the ranged attack in this
Difference Number 2 - No Leadership. Whoop-de-do.
Difference Number 3 - He's a Close Combat Expert, and according to the game
designer has a potential of 7 clicks of damage on the first turn, and no
less than 4
by his last click of health! YOUCH!
Now, let's look at the rest of the dial shall we? As I mentioned his damage
goes from 5 to 2 with Close Combat Expert for the whole dial. He'll hit too,
an attack of 12 and Super-Strength for several clicks. His Defense is
strong, of course, at 16 with Impervious for the first 4 clicks and
Toughness for the remainder. Supes is also a flyer with a speed of 10 and
close combat for the first several clicks.
A nice package of close combat badness, he's a Superman Ally too, and only
costs 223 points. He's a one-man wrecking crew, and fits in a 300 point
NASTY, simply nasty.
Superman, Son of Darkseid is a level 6 Unique, and since he's from the brand
new expansion, he's H-O-T hot. Right now he's one of the hottest pulls you
get from Cosmic Justice. If you want to go the Ebay route, you're going to
pay an arm and a leg, anywhere from $20 to $55 depending, with most of the
purchases being made in the $40 range. Personally, I'll buy 6 boosters and
try my luck for that price. I don't think we've got another Nightcrawler on
our hands, since DC is far less popular than Marvel, and I'm sure CJ was
produced in less quantity than CT, but time will tell.
My Ratings:
Playability 5 of 5
Collectability 5 of 5.
YUP, only my second 5 Star Figure. Wonders never cease! |
GeneralZev |
This is my first review and I get to start off reviewing
a one-man army more so than Veteran Dr. Doom.
You look at the Son of Darkseid Superman and you say 223, Too Many Points!!!
However, you then look at his dial and your jaw drops. Close combat expert
his whole dial, by theory he can hit for no less then 4 clicks of damage.
Also he starts off with 5 clicks damage, so by theory he can do 7 Clicks OF
Damage, stronger then Firelord!! Mix that in with 11 clicks of health,
impervious half his dial and the other half toughness. Then finish it off
with charge his first three clicks, super strength half his dial, the
superman team ability, and a sick-attacking value (12 to be exact). You got
you opponent’s team shaking in their space boots and a well worth 223-point
figure. Any less and he would be as broken as a Firelord.
300 pt.- 2 our of 5
400 pt and above- 5 out of 5
Sealed Box- 2 out of 5 |