Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Sentinels are a quintessential X-Men concept. They've been around since the
EARLY, early days, and boy do they cause havoc every time they appear. The
sentinel figure in Heroclix was the first (of hopefully several) LARGE scale
figures, and it is a beauty. I don't have one yet, but I'm planning on buying
one before they disappear completely.
The fig comes with three different sets of stats...basically you can start him
with a point value of 100, 200 or 300 points depending on what kind of game you
want to play. If you want to set him for 300 points you get 18 health, 200 is 15
health and 100 is 12 health. The Sentinel has incredible stats, so even hitting
him is tough enough, but not impossible. Both the 300 and 200 point
versions (which are the Mark VII and Mark III respectively) start with a defense
of 16 AND Energy Shield for ranged attacks. THe 100 point monster (THe
Mark I) starts with a 15 an
no shield. All three versions get toughness later in the dial.
Attacks for the Mark VII and Mark III start at 11 and 10 respectively and
include Energy Explosion allowing you to cream a group of heroes at once. The
Mark I starts with 9, with no Energy Explosion. All three versions get
incapacitate towards the end of the dial. The range for the Mark VII starts at
12 and the range for Mark III starts at 10, BUT they both have running shot. The
Mark I starts at 7 with no running shot. he also has a 10 square range
The Sentinel figure is a must for any collection. As they get scarcer and
scarcer you should definitely pick up one or two. I've heard of some players
using as many as six or seven in a game! Youch! With the Sentinels you can
recreate some of the greatest X-Men stories (such as Days of Future Past) in the
game. PLUS, the figure comes with an extra set of hands that you can
actually have them hold onto a smaller figure with! Now if it were only
Sentinels are still available in many stores at their original retail price of
about $17. On line you may be able to get him cheaper.
My ratings
Playability 5 out of 5
Collectability 3 out of 5 (just because you can still
get him, in a year or two look out!) |
1110 |
Sentinel: This guy rules. But he is really expensive too. What makes him
great is this; on his first click, he can move 6 squares, then fire with a
11 attack to do four clicks of damage, with a range of ten. Plus the fact
that your opponent will basically have to put his whole attack force into
taking out sentinel.
200- games: 2.5/5
300+ Games: 4/5
Sealed Box: N/A
The Bottom Line: 3.25/5 |
Spider |
The Sentinel. It was the 1st of our 2 "big figs". This is a special
figure, as it can be placed at 100 points, 200 points, and 300 points. All
are good at their respective levels. All 3 levels house a special ability
that only big figs: Capturing. This figure may choose to capture a figure
instead of damage it. If the Sentinel is able to get the captured
figure back to the Sentinel's starting area, it receives
double the points of the figure's value {triple if it is a X-Men or Brother
Hood Member}, and the captured figure is placed out of play as if K.O'd.
The Sentinel also has another special 'Multi-Shot'. You target any two
figures, reduce the Sentinel's damage BY 1, and attack. This is an effective
used with Perplex.
The final of the Sentinel's special traits {only found with the other "big
fig": Sinestro} is its ability to push every turn without needing to rest.
It still takes damage for pushing, but at 300 points the Sentinel lives for
18 clicks! {you start it off at full health for 300 points; 3 clicks in for
200 points; and 6 clicks in for 100 points} So at 100 points, the Sentinel
still lives for 12 clicks!
What makes the Sentinel better than a Sinestro <at the moment> is its
archenemy list. Anyone that is a Brother Hood member or X-Men member is an
archenemy to the Sentinel and visa-versa; as were the Sinestro is
only an archenemy to Green Lantern members. So if you capture an experienced
Juggernaut you have 375 points in the bank.
-Fits perfectly into any team
-Harder to kill than Batman hiding in a bush
-As more enemies than any other figure
-Imagine capturing a Superman LE: 472 points!!!!
-Some of the best figures in the game are the metal
beast's archenemies
-Unless you can use him perfectly, you'll have a $20 paperweight
One last note: A Sentinel works best with a mindcontrol team. You keep the
Sentinel in it's starting area, Mindcontrol the enemy to go base to base
with the Sentinel still in starting area. Capture the figure, instant
points. I plan on posting
a great Mindcontrol/Capture team later for all those "daredevils" out there.
Spider |
Joel Lofgren |
Yo. This is my first CotD! =D Boy, what a Clix it is.
The Sentinel.
I've never actually played against one (In a non-scenario type game). No
matter how you look at it It is intimidating just by its sheer size. Of
course this is the 'special' clix for the Marvel version of heroclix. Its
stats (no matter which version you play) are pretty awesome. It's ability to
capture is an even special boon. Some stats that show out to me are: 15
defense (depending on version) 4 Damage (again depending on version) , in
fact all of its stats make me cringe of the thought of playing against this.
It also gains immunity from such powers such as incapacitate, telekinesis,
and mind control (plus a few others)
Just feel sorry for the poor chap who sends a close-combatant against
Note: You can't play this sucker with any X-men or Brotherhood team
100: I don't think you can support him well enough! ( 1.5)
200: Depends on the version... (100: 3 ,200: 1.5)
300: Again..the version (100: 4, 200:3.5, 300: 1)
Limited/Draft: Not applicable, if you do play against one in a
draft..someone is cheating O.o! |
michale jhonason |
The first of the two big guys, sentinel is one of the best models you'll
see. Some of you might remember these things from the old x-men arcade game,
a true classic, IMO anyway. Sentinel has 3 different levels, sentinel mark
I, III, and VII, each with 100 points more than the one before it. Mark I
(100 points) doesn't have much going for it besides the high range of 10 and
health of 18. All of his stats start out low and get higher, but not that
higher. You'll se an attack of 11 for 1 click and a defense of 17 for 1. His
only 2 abilities are toughness(9-14) and incapacitate(15-17 attack). Mark
III(200 points) also has 10 range and 18 health. He starts out with better
stats than mark I, but surprisingly doesn't get as high as I did in some
stats. He gets 3 more abilities: energy shield, energy explosion, and
running shot. Mark VII, with 300 points. 18 health, 10 range, and all of the
previously listed abilities. Defense is 16 for 1-6 and 11. its 15 for 7-9
and 12-18. 17 at 10. Damage is 4 (wow) for 3 clicks. Speed decreases
steadily from 12 to 4. Attack goes from 11 to 8.
You might try playing mark III or VII casually just for fun. These clicks
are really more for collecting. I suppose you could even use the 200 point
one in 300 games if you wanted to experiment...
The thing that really makes sentinel special are the sentinel only
abilities. These make a big difference for a click that otherwise simply
costs way too much, as the 100 click has pretty poor abilities. The sentinel
rules, which can be found on the rules page of the hero clix website, are
what gets it a
4.2 |
